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12 Sep 2009, 10:37 pm

Meeting ladies in either country isn't a problem.

Blue Jay
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13 Sep 2009, 9:00 am

Only useful replies please.


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13 Sep 2009, 3:16 pm

This may be of some help to Carlofirst and other.

According to a study on the subject, Thai woman may often be rather materialistic and use the Western man simply as a survival strategy. In contrast, it is my experience, that Philippine women in general want the whole package, a good husband, romance and a better life. Besides, they have a higher educational level and a more Western culture, which makes a marriag easier.

I have met some Western men, including one with indications of asperger, who lived in Philippines. I do not do that, but I have spend plenty of time there. Here is my advice, based on what I have seen.

In order to live in Philippines, you need a pension or other money that can pay for yourself and your family. The price level is about one fifth of Western countries, but you will have to take into account that medicine is the same price as in Western countries, that you may have to pay for a private school if you have children, and that you and your wife will have some obligations towards her family.

If you have asperger, you shall better have some sense of organisation and coordination, because you may have to keep a close look at finances and long-term planning. In contrast, Filipinos are more open than in Western countries, and you may find it easier to relate to them. Philippines are very expressive, so it is easy to read their body language.

Many Philippine women will find it the best of both worlds if they are married to a Western man and living in the Philippines. For you that may be nice, if you can live a quiet place where you will be around the same group of people, in other words have a fairly stable life. However, you may find any cities extremely chaotic and noisy. In general, if you have problems with noise, go somewhere else.

A large part of the time, you will be together with your wife's family and friends. It is a little unusual to be alone or just two together in Philippines. You will have to adjust to that. One thing to help will be to think about a shelter, to have a space where you can be alone, and some special interest that you can bring and use to relax alone. It can be stressful and as an asperger you will need relaxation more in Philippines than in a Western country.

Philippine women are beautiful and strong. You may find someone who will take good care of you, but you will often have to do as she suggests. You may also find that a much younger woman may find you attractive. I have written about mutual attraction in my earlier postings.

Think about a woman who will match you in age, background and general outlook on life, precisely as when meeting someone in your own country, and think about what you really want from a wife, maybe write it down, so you will not be bowled over by the first one you meet.

I do not have any advice on the best way to meet someone. In particular many college girls use chat. They may be less serious, but you may also meet a jewel who had not really thought about marrying a Western man. Writing with someone, who announces on the Internet, is called pen-pal in Philippines and both common and respected. It is my impression, that there are very few scammers, but of course many are more or less serious, a girl may have left her profile even though she is not interested any more, and she may be slightly dishonest about her personality and interests. Finally, you may get introduced to someone by a Filipino in your own country or a friend in Philippines. This is a smaller circle than if you reply to advertisements, but you may feel more certain if someone you know establish the contact to someone he or she knows.

Think twice about getting serious about someone who lives in a dangerous area in the Southern Mindanao or in a place you do not really want to live. You will have to be interested in her family and background. When you marry someone in Philippines, you will also marry their family, and you may learn about the strengths and weaknesses of your penpal by looking on her family. In particular her mother. You may see them and her and talk to them through a web-cam. If the relationship develops, you will have to go out and meet her. Take some days at a hotel to get rid of your jet-lag before meeting her and her family, and behave as politely as you would towards a fiancee and parents in laws in your own country.


Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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22 Feb 2015, 1:22 pm

The most reasonable and down to earth thread I've seen on the subject.


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23 Feb 2015, 12:15 pm

I wouldnt mind being married to a Filipina nurse!

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23 Feb 2015, 2:42 pm

I've come to the conclusion that guys should just date whomever they're sexually attracted to without worrying so much about racialized cultural stereotypes. I don't think it's wrong at all if you have the biggest soft spot for certain Southeast Asian women's appearance, but even within a given culture you're going to have as much diversity of personalities as in any other. And let's face it, too many Western guys' ideas of "Asian culture" and its gender norms are informed by media stereotypes, which by nature are simplified caricatures of diverse and multidimensional societies that we only conflate for one another because we think the people look similar to one another (the basis for our old construct of race). There are, what, 120-175 languages spoken in the Philippines alone? And that's not even taking into account class and regional differences within that country.

In summary, I say it's a bad idea chasing after "foreign" women simply because you think they'll be easier catches or because of racial or cultural stereotypes.

And besides, when it come to physical appearances, I'm more into Black African girls than Asians, but to each their own.

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23 Feb 2015, 5:19 pm

BrandonSP wrote:
I've come to the conclusion that guys should just date whomever they're sexually attracted to without worrying so much about racialized cultural stereotypes. I don't think it's wrong at all if you have the biggest soft spot for certain Southeast Asian women's appearance, but even within a given culture you're going to have as much diversity of personalities as in any other. And let's face it, too many Western guys' ideas of "Asian culture" and its gender norms are informed by media stereotypes, which by nature are simplified caricatures of diverse and multidimensional societies that we only conflate for one another because we think the people look similar to one another (the basis for our old construct of race). There are, what, 120-175 languages spoken in the Philippines alone? And that's not even taking into account class and regional differences within that country.

In summary, I say it's a bad idea chasing after "foreign" women simply because you think they'll be easier catches or because of racial or cultural stereotypes.

And besides, when it come to physical appearances, I'm more into Black African girls than Asians, but to each their own.

That's true, but stereotyping isn't always inaccurate, I've encountered with a lot of Filipinas, and there are obvious behavioral common things among them, like for example politeness, religiosity, their view on marriage, and their tendency to like chivalry in men - and there's more. I recall one who has been a total exception, a total atheist.
I know that's true for Arabs too.

Not trying to box people, but it has been my observation of a significant sample.

Sea Gull
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23 Feb 2015, 11:44 pm

Didn't realize someone would bump a 6-year-old thread, but it's still relevant.

I'm white. My crush is Filipino, with relatives in the US and the Philippines (aka my dream in-laws). The woman who might steal him from me is also white.

Filipinos are awesome. I don't know why. Is there something in their blood that makes them that way?


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24 Feb 2015, 1:49 am

Non_Passerine wrote:
Didn't realize someone would bump a 6-year-old thread, but it's still relevant.

I'm white. My crush is Filipino, with relatives in the US and the Philippines (aka my dream in-laws). The woman who might steal him from me is also white.

Filipinos are awesome. I don't know why. Is there something in their blood that makes them that way?

I must say that that many of their women don't generally talk favorably about their national men.


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24 Feb 2015, 2:17 am

Non_Passerine wrote:
Didn't realize someone would bump a 6-year-old thread, but it's still relevant.

I'm white. My crush is Filipino, with relatives in the US and the Philippines (aka my dream in-laws). The woman who might steal him from me is also white.

Filipinos are awesome. I don't know why. Is there something in their blood that makes them that way?

I think the national diets of the East/South-east Asian countries are a bit healthier than most Western diets. The Vietnamese and Indonesian people I see here look healthier than the locals, in much better shape, both men and women. I think they eat more fish/vegetables/soup and such.


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24 Feb 2015, 3:17 am

trollcatman wrote:
Non_Passerine wrote:
Didn't realize someone would bump a 6-year-old thread, but it's still relevant.

I'm white. My crush is Filipino, with relatives in the US and the Philippines (aka my dream in-laws). The woman who might steal him from me is also white.

Filipinos are awesome. I don't know why. Is there something in their blood that makes them that way?

I think the national diets of the East/South-east Asian countries are a bit healthier than most Western diets. The Vietnamese and Indonesian people I see here look healthier than the locals, in much better shape, both men and women. I think they eat more fish/vegetables/soup and such.

Anything is healthier than Western diets, even the East Europe's diet apparently - no offense. :lol:

When I went in Czech Republic, I was surprised at first to see how slender their people's shapes are despite their very high-fat carnivorous diet, then I've recalled reading about and it made sense.

Their traditional cuisine is almost a ketogenic diet, they eat a lot of fat, but not the junk kind of fat, also their freezing weather helps burning fat.


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24 Feb 2015, 8:27 am

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
trollcatman wrote:
Non_Passerine wrote:
Didn't realize someone would bump a 6-year-old thread, but it's still relevant.

I'm white. My crush is Filipino, with relatives in the US and the Philippines (aka my dream in-laws). The woman who might steal him from me is also white.

Filipinos are awesome. I don't know why. Is there something in their blood that makes them that way?

I think the national diets of the East/South-east Asian countries are a bit healthier than most Western diets. The Vietnamese and Indonesian people I see here look healthier than the locals, in much better shape, both men and women. I think they eat more fish/vegetables/soup and such.

Anything is healthier than Western diets, even the East Europe's diet apparently - no offense. :lol:

When I went in Czech Republic, I was surprised at first to see how slender their people's shapes are despite their very high-fat carnivorous diet, then I've recalled reading about and it made sense.

Their traditional cuisine is almost a ketogenic diet, they eat a lot of fat, but not the junk kind of fat, also their freezing weather helps burning fat.

Don't call the Czechs Eastern European, some of them will get butt-hurt (technically it's Central Europe, it was only ever called eastern when it was under communist oppression).
I'm not sure that the Western diet was that bad when people ate in moderate amounts, and not excessive amounts of meat. Many foods that are now labeled with the BS marketing term "superfoods" are just normal things that people have eaten for ages, like broccoli and the different types of cabbage, kale, mushrooms and so on. The least healthy part is probably the drinking, people in Europe drink more than anywhere else. And the Czechs drink lots of beer, which people say makes you fat (it doesn't).

I'm not sure about the weather, most of Europe is not that cold at all, especially closer to the sea. Although just as I am typing this I hear hailstones ticking against my windows. :( They melt immediately because it's 8C outside now.

And Europeans mostly eat the bad fat like in pork, and not the good stuff like in olive oil or fish. Look at this and convince me it's healthy:



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24 Feb 2015, 8:45 am

Oh, I just found out: it's not that Czechs are thin but that Lebanese are fat! I found this study on the interwebs that says children and adolescents in Lebanon are getting fatter and unhealthier, and it specifically mentions Beirut :D
So it's just you, the Czechs with their beer-bellies only look thin to you.


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24 Feb 2015, 10:14 am

trollcatman wrote:
Oh, I just found out: it's not that Czechs are thin but that Lebanese are fat! I found this study on the interwebs that says children and adolescents in Lebanon are getting fatter and unhealthier, and it specifically mentions Beirut :D
So it's just you, the Czechs with their beer-bellies only look thin to you.

Our adults are usually thin, the newer generations however...well, they're being exposed to American franchises flooding Beirut, I am not surprised by this study as I always see crowds of teens in Mcdonald's.

Breakfast meals were traditionally made of yogurt, cheese, fava beans, chickpeas...etc, now cornflakes are getting more popular among kids. And I see lately mothers enrolling their chubby kids into fitness clubs, kids never needed fitness clubs in my days, how sad, I recall there was only a one 'fat' kid in every class.


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24 Feb 2015, 10:53 am

The Americans started the trend, and the rest of the world follows it too.
The article also mentioned sugary drinks, they didn't really have those much when my parents were little.


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24 Feb 2015, 2:56 pm

Fatty Americanization.