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10 Jan 2009, 4:39 pm

Maybe what the OP is saying is true, but NT women like her are rare. By rare I mean 1 out of 10 billion.

But I know what she is trying to say. I don't know about everyone else but once someone actually gives me a chance and gets to know me, they like me a lot. We aspies can either wallow in our self pity and tell ourselves that we'll never succeed while using our problems as an excuse or we can get out and try to overcome the trials that come with AS. I myself have done so much of the former that I am sick to death of it so I'm now working on the later. But there is one thing I will still hold true and it is the one thing I have stuck by ever since I joined this site and years before, I will not change who I am just to satisfy NT culture. Those who don't accept me for who and what I am can kiss my pearly white ass!! (I LUV saying that!! :lol: )

So simple, it's complicated


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10 Jan 2009, 5:19 pm

I have no serious social trouble as a result of my AS. I was picked on in school but as my fellow students got older they picked on me less and I ended up having an easy time of secondary school compared with my expectations. Certainly I don't think I've ever been bullied in college. I have plenty of friends, and a few of them are quite close, and I'm pretty sure none of them have AS. Take away my own personal insecurities about dating and the opposite sex and I don't see my AS as a barrier to anything I really want to do.

That's not to trivialise anyone else's situation of course, just saying that not everyone here thinks they have it bad.

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10 Jan 2009, 6:07 pm

Hector wrote:
I have no serious social trouble as a result of my AS. I was picked on in school but as my fellow students got older they picked on me less and I ended up having an easy time of secondary school compared with my expectations. Certainly I don't think I've ever been bullied in college. I have plenty of friends, and a few of them are quite close, and I'm pretty sure none of them have AS. Take away my own personal insecurities about dating and the opposite sex and I don't see my AS as a barrier to anything I really want to do.

That's not to trivialise anyone else's situation of course, just saying that not everyone here thinks they have it bad.

I would say Im pretty on track with you. Now adays hardly anyone one teases or makes fun of me (partly in fact because I might kick there ass but Im pretty layed back and friendly) the only people who make fun of me are those who are intimidated by my intelligence, really not bragging here but lately two of my friends who I would consider not quite as informed with things in general constantly try and challenge my solid intelligent points in school as well as act a little jerkish, of course I pick it apart and put them in place but it kind of bothers me. I really dont have trouble communicating and act very normal, I do think AS can be a barrier in some things but none the less I can break through that barrier with enough strength.

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10 Jan 2009, 6:10 pm

Kilroy wrote:
Airborne wrote:
Kilroy wrote:
in my personal experience, I have seen "aspies" to be sour, cold, uncaring pricks when it came down to it
they care about only themselves, and are just like any other human-greedy, foolish, etc
they think the world should bend to them because they have a problem and belittle the "NTs" for not changing how everything works because they "don't get it"
not the best bunch of people IMO
I will never be proud of a mental illness, I won't let it rule my life, but I won't go around sh** talking people who don't understand
it might be frustrating but its how the world works
and just because you don't agree with something-doesn't make it wrong
seems so many people here think they're opinion is the right one :roll:
f***ing stupid

Wrong. Thats a farce generalization. One of the only things in this world that makes me happy is being selfless. Its (autism) not a mental illness, that would imply its psychological and its not its neurological. While AS may cause a mental illness dont throw me in the pack of what you think every aspie is.

ah. . Airborne, you are saying to the OP you are flattered, yet you condemn her as a changeable woman that can't be trusted because they will change their minds on a penny.


Well I never bashed her for that...even if I did I can still respect her admiration. Gosh does anyone understand my drift when I post? Christ I never get the point across without f***ing with someone inadvertently.

read again-i said i have seen, which means i have seen in the past some aspies who are like this
i know some fantastic people-who have as
it does cause mental illness' and thus is usually categorized as one (i just go what the government classifies it as)

Just out of curiousity, what country are you from? Im not trying to be a jerk (Im not some flaming, arrogant, american here but I must know).

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11 Jan 2009, 2:03 am

So, aspiefan, got any cute sisters/cousins/friends? 8)


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11 Jan 2009, 2:16 am

Spokane_Girl wrote:
While I see lot of aspies getting rejection, I sit here and wonder why is it that I don't get the same crap they get? Am I just lucky or am I normal enough to get respect? Why is it that people like my honesty, my directness and straightforwardness? Why is it they don't mind my lack of eye contact? In fact why don't they see anything wrong with me? My ex's sure did.

It's because you have one thing that every man lacks...

11 Jan 2009, 5:38 am

ToadOfSteel wrote:
Spokane_Girl wrote:
While I see lot of aspies getting rejection, I sit here and wonder why is it that I don't get the same crap they get? Am I just lucky or am I normal enough to get respect? Why is it that people like my honesty, my directness and straightforwardness? Why is it they don't mind my lack of eye contact? In fact why don't they see anything wrong with me? My ex's sure did.

It's because you have one thing that every man lacks...

A woman?


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12 Jan 2009, 2:39 am

Gainer wrote:
Didn't bill gates say that in one of his speeches

"Be nice to the nerd, one day they will be your boss"

I might get to meet Bill Gates in the next Hertz Foundation conference!

A boy and his dog can go walking
A boy and his dog sometimes talk to each other
A boy and a dog can be happy sitting down in the woods on a log
But a dog knows his boy can go wrong


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12 Jan 2009, 5:17 am

While I see lot of aspies getting rejection, I sit here and wonder why is it that I don't get the same crap they get? Am I just lucky or am I normal enough to get respect? Why is it that people like my honesty, my directness and straightforwardness? Why is it they don't mind my lack of eye contact? In fact why don't they see anything wrong with me? My ex's sure did.

Oranges and Apples don't live in the same circumstances and face the same things.

And so you can't compare yourself to Aspie men for the same reason.

Aspie men explained and demonstrated that on this forum billion of times. Lack of eye contact for instance might be seen just as shyness in females while usually seen as lack of confidence in men. Again and again and again (millions of agains), aspie girls are not viewed by the opposite gender in the same way of the aspie men are viewed by the opposite gender, it's a fact.

Question: How many men YOU have rejected in life?


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13 Jan 2009, 10:48 pm

Ticker wrote:
If I remember correctly in grade school it was always the boys who did well in math class anyway and girls were always mediocre at best.

I think you`re stereotying a bit here. The one who was best in math in my class in elementary school was a girl.
My mother did very well in math when she went to school.

I`ve been given extra lessons in math since elementary school, without really getting it. In junior high I was one of 4 in my class who was singled out for extra tutoring in math. The other 3 were boys...

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13 Jan 2009, 11:27 pm

If I remember correctly in grade school it was always the boys who did well in math class anyway and girls were always mediocre at best.

Why do I get 28%'s on tests yet my sister has a 101.68% Average? Daft dunce.

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14 Jan 2009, 8:23 am

Fnord wrote:
Why is it that women would complain that they could not find a man with the qualities that you described - which mostly apply to me, as well - only to hook up with men that were narcisstic, intolerant, sexist jerks?

Why do women claim to want the qualities you admire so well, and then completely ignore the very men that exhibit those qualities?

NT girls are dumb. Questions solved.

14 Jan 2009, 11:53 am

LePetitPrince wrote:
While I see lot of aspies getting rejection, I sit here and wonder why is it that I don't get the same crap they get? Am I just lucky or am I normal enough to get respect? Why is it that people like my honesty, my directness and straightforwardness? Why is it they don't mind my lack of eye contact? In fact why don't they see anything wrong with me? My ex's sure did.

Oranges and Apples don't live in the same circumstances and face the same things.

And so you can't compare yourself to Aspie men for the same reason.

Aspie men explained and demonstrated that on this forum billion of times. Lack of eye contact for instance might be seen just as shyness in females while usually seen as lack of confidence in men. Again and again and again (millions of agains), aspie girls are not viewed by the opposite gender in the same way of the aspie men are viewed by the opposite gender, it's a fact.

Question: How many men YOU have rejected in life?

Lots I'd say. I dated lot of men but only been in two relationships before my bf. Then I met my bf and he liked coming over and one day I decided to take him to Spokane with me because I wanted to share my obsessions with someone and things clicked.

Okay so all those posts I have read were maybe by aspie men, I don't pay attention to profiles or usernames and I have heard AS is easier on women because they are more likly to be social because they are more accepted and lot of men don't care if a woman has quirks. besides if they are looking for women who have the same fetish as they do, they will be with a woman who has the same fetish and not care if she is aspie or not and even care what she is like.


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14 Jan 2009, 2:13 pm

Spokane_Girl wrote:
LePetitPrince wrote:
While I see lot of aspies getting rejection, I sit here and wonder why is it that I don't get the same crap they get? Am I just lucky or am I normal enough to get respect? Why is it that people like my honesty, my directness and straightforwardness? Why is it they don't mind my lack of eye contact? In fact why don't they see anything wrong with me? My ex's sure did.

Oranges and Apples don't live in the same circumstances and face the same things.

And so you can't compare yourself to Aspie men for the same reason.

Aspie men explained and demonstrated that on this forum billion of times. Lack of eye contact for instance might be seen just as shyness in females while usually seen as lack of confidence in men. Again and again and again (millions of agains), aspie girls are not viewed by the opposite gender in the same way of the aspie men are viewed by the opposite gender, it's a fact.

Question: How many men YOU have rejected in life?

Lots I'd say. I dated lot of men but only been in two relationships before my bf ,Then I met my bf and he liked coming over and one day I decided to take him to Spokane with me because I wanted to share my obsessions with someone and things clicked.


So see? that's why you was never rejected while you see so many men who were been rejected.
That's why you never got such 'crap' because the men that you have rejected are the ones who got it.

I am not talking only about AS men only but men in general.

You are an orange while they are apples.


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14 Jan 2009, 9:21 pm

If only all girls felt like you. Still, the truth is having aspergers sucks and there nothing to be proud of about it. I hate being like this. I hate being alone every night and feel left out. I hate never being able to get a girlfriend or being able to talk to one. Being a male with aspergers is worse then being a female with aspergers when it comes to dating because us guys are expected to be the aggressor and to ask and to make all the moves. The girls at least have guys approach them so they don't have to do the work. Girls never approach me, ever. Having aspergers alienates us from dating altogether. We can't be the aggressor the way the girls like it. That's why all the jerks and a..holes get dates so easily while nicer ones don't get any. That is the reality. Nice guys finish last is one hundred percent correct.


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14 Jan 2009, 10:05 pm

I think I'm falling for you AspieFan911 :heart:

Wonder what it feels like to be in love?
How would you describe it, like a push or shove?
Guess I could pretend that this is all I need
Wanting more than what I have might appear as greed.