CanyonWind wrote:
All of them. The Jews are just an eccentric tribe of Arabs.
No, that's not it. Jews and Arabs are half-brothers of each other; Jewish people are not a subset of Arab people. The Torah/Old Testament/Tawrat (Muslim term for the Torah/OT), talks about how Jews and Arabs originated. Abraham had two children: Issac with his wife Sarah, and Ishamel with his maid Hagar. That's where the split between Jews and Arabs began.
At one point in the Bible, Hagar and Ishmael were thrown out of Abraham's home. They moved eastward to what is now Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Their descendants grew into the modern-day Arab nation.
Abraham, Sarah, and Issac stayed in Israel. They had Jacob and Esau. Esau joined his uncle Ishmael. Jacob had sons whose descendants became the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Ten of those tribes were lost, but the other two grew into the modern-day Jewish nation. (Now, however, small ethnic groups in Ethiopia, India, and even Afghanistan are being discovered to be descendants of the ten lost tribes.)