1. I'm immature and am not into commitment.
2. I have low self-esteem but this is not always apparent at first. The low self-esteem comes out later.
3. I am not good at being a gentleman, so I refuse to even try. I don't do the wooing thing at all.
4. What you see is typically not what you get.
5. You can never count on me to be emotionally available at any given time.
6. I'm pretty incompetent with most everyday things. At the stuff that women often think they are incompetent at, I'm just as bad or worse.
7. I'm flaky. I change my mind and ideas a lot.
8. I'm crazier and more complicated than she is.
9. I hate kids, animals, and plants.
10. I don't "take charge" or take initiative on anything, and I get very angry and hurl around accusations of sexism when I'm called out on this. If you order me to "be a man," I will likely break up with you on the spot.
11. I believe that marriage is an institution that primarily exists to benefit women, especially divorce, alimony, and custody laws, so I refuse to consider partaking in this awful system. I think co-habitation without marriage and without children is much more equal.
12. I don't have much of a social life or any close friends -- and really no male friends at all. I expect my girlfriends to arrange one for me.
Solution: move somewhere where women have less power to set expectations in dating relationships -- somewhere where women are more likely to be more assertive AND less likely to expect the man to conform to some perfect chick flick marriage-material stereotype. Somewhere like Asia, Eastern Europe or a large east coast city in the U.S.