Bigotry against involuntarily celibate men

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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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19 Nov 2018, 3:58 am

karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Aspie19828 wrote:
1 to 10 scale attractiveness for males and females.
For the guys it is all about that strong jaw. Facial symmetry + Strongest jawline wins.

Do you realise that the subforum that is posted in (r/IncelTears) is mocking incels and the stupid s**t they post in their forums like the scale in the OP? You posted an incel meme that the rest of reddit is laughing at for being so stupid, and you posted it unironically. That's amazing. :lol:

I mean, read the comments. The scale and the idea it represents is being thoroughly trashed in the comments.

Honestly, I think the lack of adequate social skills is a much bigger problem for many men than looks.

Well then I'm surprised you identify yourself as an incel because if you were to go on their forums and say that you would get a lot of disagreement from most of them. Many of them seem entirely convinced that their one and only insurmountable problem is their "genetic inferiority", which is their current favourite term for ugliness which they think is something objective and measurable. That's actually a key piece of incel ideology, that their (they assume ugly) looks are the sole factor that has cursed them to be unattractive to women and therefore unable to get a relationship with one. Either their eyes are tilted the wrong way or their jaw isn't prominent enough or their wrists aren't thick enough (as stupid as that last one sounds, there is a not insignificant number of incels who seriously think no woman will ever love them because the circumference of their wrists is too small.)

These are the people you are associating with when you call yourself an incel. That's their own view of themselves and why they gather together online under that banner. Really have a think about that before you put that mantle on.

I do not identify specifically with the label incel. My situation is that I will always be alone and unwanted because of a genetic defect I was born with thru no choice or control of my own. That is the reality of my existence, not some label I slap on myself. I have already explained this multiple time in this thread, and more than once specifically in responses to your posts. And frankly, I'm getting tired of repeating myself.

I understand that you are upset about the violence that occurred in your community. But you are making a mistake by confusing every person who expresses an emotional response to perpetual romantic rejection with Alek Minassian.

And while the incel forums may be blowing matters out of proportion, our culture is bursting with messages emphasizing physical attractiveness. Have you ever read a romance novel? Those things are full of language about tall stature, piercing eyes, and yes, square jaws. So it is relevant. Anybody with even a rudimentary understanding of evolution knows that sexual competition and sexual selection are very real.

Personally, I never felt I was ugly or below average in looks until I got fat in my 30s. My "genetic inferiority" is represented by my autism, which often manifests in the forms of anxiety, shyness, and social awkwardness; characteristics scientifically proved to be sexually selected against by women. And as time went by, I developed major depression as well, which makes me even less atrractive than I already was.

If it's "scientifically proven" that women refuse autistic men, then why are many autistic men here on this forum able to get married and have relationships?

Nice try putting words in my mouth. I never said women refuse all autistic men, but that its a known fact that women generally do not favor men who are shy or socially awkward. While these are common traits of autistics, there is no set rule that they always present in an obvious way or cannot be overcome in some cases.

First off, the number of autistic men on this forum who have wives or girlfriends is very small compared to the ones who don't. And there are many diverse reasons why some autistic men can be married or in relationships: I do not deny that there are some women out there who would date men like us; but they are not common and one has to be extremely lucky in order to meet one at a time in her life when she is not already involved with someone else. Culture is also a big factor, and some of these men may live in cultures where dating or courtsip standards are entirely different from where I live. There is also the posibility that some of them are in emotionally abusive relatiosnships with women who delibrately seek out men can easily manipulate, which is something that I experienced several years ago. Or perhaps these men's wives/girlfriends settled for them due to a lack of better options. You also need to take into consideration that other factors can elevate a man's "sexual marketplace value", even if he is shy or socially awkward; such as being tall, atheletic, or financially successful.

It's interesting that you accuse me of putting words in your mouth and then proceed to do exactly that to me. I never said "women refuse all autistic men" when I reworded your argument that "women sexually select against men with autism". "Women refuse autistic men" is a perfectly legitimate way to restate "women sexually select against autistic men".

I don't know how you expect to have a proper debate if you're going to be disingenuous and project your own shady arguing tactics on to me. I'm starting to think I'm being trolled.

Also, ideas like "sexual market value" don't exist in the real world outside of PUA manuals and Redpill/MGTOW/Manosphere sort of online spaces. It's as ridiculous as the idea that everyone can be systematically numerically rated on an "objective" scale of physical attractiveness. It's just not applicable to how human beings actually interact with each other in life, and I think that's where you guys get stuck--you get these crazy ideas that don't apply to human interaction at all but you are convinced that they do and so you are preventing yourself from the start from being able to make deeper connections with people because of these unrealistic ideas you have about sex and attraction and men and women and just how people actually behave IRL.

Here are you're own words, unaltered in any way:

"I reworded your argument that "women sexually select against men with autism". "Women refuse autistic men" is a perfectly legitimate way to restate "women sexually select against autistic men"."

While this is what I said:

"My "genetic inferiority" is represented by my autism, which often manifests in the forms of anxiety, shyness, and social awkwardness; characteristics scientifically proved to be sexually selected against by women."

I never said "women refuse autistic men" or "women sexually select against autistic men". So yes, anyone capable of reading English can clearly see that you are indeed putting words in my mouth.

So now not only are you projecting your "shady arguing tactics" onto me, but you are projecting your projections as well. You came in here pushing the exact bigoted overgeneralizing rhetoric I created this thread to address, compared me to a murderer, and demanded that I be censored. I'm either a normal f***able human being or I'm a misogynist sociopath, and there is nothing in-between. And now that I'm calling you out on your bullsh!t, poor little Kara is being trolled. You clearly have no interest in a proper debate.

And please don't try to tell me that sexual marketplace value doesn't exist. I'm not saying that it's an absolute or that people cannot have diverse opinions regarding what they find attractive. But the fact that People Magazine's readers vote a "Sexiest Man Alive", and the fact that the typical showgirl or supermodel career either ends or "transitions" at 30, the fact that seemingly two-thirds of all movies produced in the past decade star Scarlett Johanson, or the fact that a woman's ability to attract suiters decreases the older she gets while a man's increases as he accumulates wealth; all prove that sexual marketplace value is indeed very real.


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19 Nov 2018, 4:39 am

magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Aspie19828 wrote:
1 to 10 scale attractiveness for males and females.
For the guys it is all about that strong jaw. Facial symmetry + Strongest jawline wins.

Do you realise that the subforum that is posted in (r/IncelTears) is mocking incels and the stupid s**t they post in their forums like the scale in the OP? You posted an incel meme that the rest of reddit is laughing at for being so stupid, and you posted it unironically. That's amazing. :lol:

I mean, read the comments. The scale and the idea it represents is being thoroughly trashed in the comments.

Honestly, I think the lack of adequate social skills is a much bigger problem for many men than looks.

Well then I'm surprised you identify yourself as an incel because if you were to go on their forums and say that you would get a lot of disagreement from most of them. Many of them seem entirely convinced that their one and only insurmountable problem is their "genetic inferiority", which is their current favourite term for ugliness which they think is something objective and measurable. That's actually a key piece of incel ideology, that their (they assume ugly) looks are the sole factor that has cursed them to be unattractive to women and therefore unable to get a relationship with one. Either their eyes are tilted the wrong way or their jaw isn't prominent enough or their wrists aren't thick enough (as stupid as that last one sounds, there is a not insignificant number of incels who seriously think no woman will ever love them because the circumference of their wrists is too small.)

These are the people you are associating with when you call yourself an incel. That's their own view of themselves and why they gather together online under that banner. Really have a think about that before you put that mantle on.

I do not identify specifically with the label incel. My situation is that I will always be alone and unwanted because of a genetic defect I was born with thru no choice or control of my own. That is the reality of my existence, not some label I slap on myself. I have already explained this multiple time in this thread, and more than once specifically in responses to your posts. And frankly, I'm getting tired of repeating myself.

I understand that you are upset about the violence that occurred in your community. But you are making a mistake by confusing every person who expresses an emotional response to perpetual romantic rejection with Alek Minassian.

And while the incel forums may be blowing matters out of proportion, our culture is bursting with messages emphasizing physical attractiveness. Have you ever read a romance novel? Those things are full of language about tall stature, piercing eyes, and yes, square jaws. So it is relevant. Anybody with even a rudimentary understanding of evolution knows that sexual competition and sexual selection are very real.

Personally, I never felt I was ugly or below average in looks until I got fat in my 30s. My "genetic inferiority" is represented by my autism, which often manifests in the forms of anxiety, shyness, and social awkwardness; characteristics scientifically proved to be sexually selected against by women. And as time went by, I developed major depression as well, which makes me even less atrractive than I already was.

If it's "scientifically proven" that women refuse autistic men, then why are many autistic men here on this forum able to get married and have relationships?

Nice try putting words in my mouth. I never said women refuse all autistic men, but that its a known fact that women generally do not favor men who are shy or socially awkward. While these are common traits of autistics, there is no set rule that they always present in an obvious way or cannot be overcome in some cases.

First off, the number of autistic men on this forum who have wives or girlfriends is very small compared to the ones who don't. And there are many diverse reasons why some autistic men can be married or in relationships: I do not deny that there are some women out there who would date men like us; but they are not common and one has to be extremely lucky in order to meet one at a time in her life when she is not already involved with someone else. Culture is also a big factor, and some of these men may live in cultures where dating or courtsip standards are entirely different from where I live. There is also the posibility that some of them are in emotionally abusive relatiosnships with women who delibrately seek out men can easily manipulate, which is something that I experienced several years ago. Or perhaps these men's wives/girlfriends settled for them due to a lack of better options. You also need to take into consideration that other factors can elevate a man's "sexual marketplace value", even if he is shy or socially awkward; such as being tall, atheletic, or financially successful.

It's interesting that you accuse me of putting words in your mouth and then proceed to do exactly that to me. I never said "women refuse all autistic men" when I reworded your argument that "women sexually select against men with autism". "Women refuse autistic men" is a perfectly legitimate way to restate "women sexually select against autistic men".

I don't know how you expect to have a proper debate if you're going to be disingenuous and project your own shady arguing tactics on to me. I'm starting to think I'm being trolled.

Also, ideas like "sexual market value" don't exist in the real world outside of PUA manuals and Redpill/MGTOW/Manosphere sort of online spaces. It's as ridiculous as the idea that everyone can be systematically numerically rated on an "objective" scale of physical attractiveness. It's just not applicable to how human beings actually interact with each other in life, and I think that's where you guys get stuck--you get these crazy ideas that don't apply to human interaction at all but you are convinced that they do and so you are preventing yourself from the start from being able to make deeper connections with people because of these unrealistic ideas you have about sex and attraction and men and women and just how people actually behave IRL.

Here are you're own words, unaltered in any way:

"I reworded your argument that "women sexually select against men with autism". "Women refuse autistic men" is a perfectly legitimate way to restate "women sexually select against autistic men"."

While this is what I said:

"My "genetic inferiority" is represented by my autism, which often manifests in the forms of anxiety, shyness, and social awkwardness; characteristics scientifically proved to be sexually selected against by women."

I never said "women refuse autistic men" or "women sexually select against autistic men". So yes, anyone capable of reading English can clearly see that you are indeed putting words in my mouth.

So now not only are you projecting your "shady arguing tactics" onto me, but you are projecting your projections as well. You came in here pushing the exact bigoted overgeneralizing rhetoric I created this thread to address, compared me to a murderer, and demanded that I be censored. I'm either a normal f***able human being or I'm a misogynist sociopath, and there is nothing in-between. And now that I'm calling you out on your bullsh!t, poor little Kara is being trolled. You clearly have no interest in a proper debate.

And please don't try to tell me that sexual marketplace value doesn't exist. I'm not saying that it's an absolute or that people cannot have diverse opinions regarding what they find attractive. But the fact that People Magazine's readers vote a "Sexiest Man Alive", and the fact that the typical showgirl or supermodel career either ends or "transitions" at 30, the fact that seemingly two-thirds of all movies produced in the past decade star Scarlett Johanson, or the fact that a woman's ability to attract suiters decreases the older she gets while a man's increases as he accumulates wealth; all prove that sexual marketplace value is indeed very real.

You are correct that there is no point in continuing this discussion as you can't even remain civil or refrain from repeatedly putting words in my mouth. I'm going to stop responding now. This has been a thoroughly unpleasant exchange, I suggest we don't have any further.

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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19 Nov 2018, 4:57 am

karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Aspie19828 wrote:
1 to 10 scale attractiveness for males and females.
For the guys it is all about that strong jaw. Facial symmetry + Strongest jawline wins.

Do you realise that the subforum that is posted in (r/IncelTears) is mocking incels and the stupid s**t they post in their forums like the scale in the OP? You posted an incel meme that the rest of reddit is laughing at for being so stupid, and you posted it unironically. That's amazing. :lol:

I mean, read the comments. The scale and the idea it represents is being thoroughly trashed in the comments.

Honestly, I think the lack of adequate social skills is a much bigger problem for many men than looks.

Well then I'm surprised you identify yourself as an incel because if you were to go on their forums and say that you would get a lot of disagreement from most of them. Many of them seem entirely convinced that their one and only insurmountable problem is their "genetic inferiority", which is their current favourite term for ugliness which they think is something objective and measurable. That's actually a key piece of incel ideology, that their (they assume ugly) looks are the sole factor that has cursed them to be unattractive to women and therefore unable to get a relationship with one. Either their eyes are tilted the wrong way or their jaw isn't prominent enough or their wrists aren't thick enough (as stupid as that last one sounds, there is a not insignificant number of incels who seriously think no woman will ever love them because the circumference of their wrists is too small.)

These are the people you are associating with when you call yourself an incel. That's their own view of themselves and why they gather together online under that banner. Really have a think about that before you put that mantle on.

I do not identify specifically with the label incel. My situation is that I will always be alone and unwanted because of a genetic defect I was born with thru no choice or control of my own. That is the reality of my existence, not some label I slap on myself. I have already explained this multiple time in this thread, and more than once specifically in responses to your posts. And frankly, I'm getting tired of repeating myself.

I understand that you are upset about the violence that occurred in your community. But you are making a mistake by confusing every person who expresses an emotional response to perpetual romantic rejection with Alek Minassian.

And while the incel forums may be blowing matters out of proportion, our culture is bursting with messages emphasizing physical attractiveness. Have you ever read a romance novel? Those things are full of language about tall stature, piercing eyes, and yes, square jaws. So it is relevant. Anybody with even a rudimentary understanding of evolution knows that sexual competition and sexual selection are very real.

Personally, I never felt I was ugly or below average in looks until I got fat in my 30s. My "genetic inferiority" is represented by my autism, which often manifests in the forms of anxiety, shyness, and social awkwardness; characteristics scientifically proved to be sexually selected against by women. And as time went by, I developed major depression as well, which makes me even less atrractive than I already was.

If it's "scientifically proven" that women refuse autistic men, then why are many autistic men here on this forum able to get married and have relationships?

Nice try putting words in my mouth. I never said women refuse all autistic men, but that its a known fact that women generally do not favor men who are shy or socially awkward. While these are common traits of autistics, there is no set rule that they always present in an obvious way or cannot be overcome in some cases.

First off, the number of autistic men on this forum who have wives or girlfriends is very small compared to the ones who don't. And there are many diverse reasons why some autistic men can be married or in relationships: I do not deny that there are some women out there who would date men like us; but they are not common and one has to be extremely lucky in order to meet one at a time in her life when she is not already involved with someone else. Culture is also a big factor, and some of these men may live in cultures where dating or courtsip standards are entirely different from where I live. There is also the posibility that some of them are in emotionally abusive relatiosnships with women who delibrately seek out men can easily manipulate, which is something that I experienced several years ago. Or perhaps these men's wives/girlfriends settled for them due to a lack of better options. You also need to take into consideration that other factors can elevate a man's "sexual marketplace value", even if he is shy or socially awkward; such as being tall, atheletic, or financially successful.

It's interesting that you accuse me of putting words in your mouth and then proceed to do exactly that to me. I never said "women refuse all autistic men" when I reworded your argument that "women sexually select against men with autism". "Women refuse autistic men" is a perfectly legitimate way to restate "women sexually select against autistic men".

I don't know how you expect to have a proper debate if you're going to be disingenuous and project your own shady arguing tactics on to me. I'm starting to think I'm being trolled.

Also, ideas like "sexual market value" don't exist in the real world outside of PUA manuals and Redpill/MGTOW/Manosphere sort of online spaces. It's as ridiculous as the idea that everyone can be systematically numerically rated on an "objective" scale of physical attractiveness. It's just not applicable to how human beings actually interact with each other in life, and I think that's where you guys get stuck--you get these crazy ideas that don't apply to human interaction at all but you are convinced that they do and so you are preventing yourself from the start from being able to make deeper connections with people because of these unrealistic ideas you have about sex and attraction and men and women and just how people actually behave IRL.

Here are you're own words, unaltered in any way:

"I reworded your argument that "women sexually select against men with autism". "Women refuse autistic men" is a perfectly legitimate way to restate "women sexually select against autistic men"."

While this is what I said:

"My "genetic inferiority" is represented by my autism, which often manifests in the forms of anxiety, shyness, and social awkwardness; characteristics scientifically proved to be sexually selected against by women."

I never said "women refuse autistic men" or "women sexually select against autistic men". So yes, anyone capable of reading English can clearly see that you are indeed putting words in my mouth.

So now not only are you projecting your "shady arguing tactics" onto me, but you are projecting your projections as well. You came in here pushing the exact bigoted overgeneralizing rhetoric I created this thread to address, compared me to a murderer, and demanded that I be censored. I'm either a normal f***able human being or I'm a misogynist sociopath, and there is nothing in-between. And now that I'm calling you out on your bullsh!t, poor little Kara is being trolled. You clearly have no interest in a proper debate.

And please don't try to tell me that sexual marketplace value doesn't exist. I'm not saying that it's an absolute or that people cannot have diverse opinions regarding what they find attractive. But the fact that People Magazine's readers vote a "Sexiest Man Alive", and the fact that the typical showgirl or supermodel career either ends or "transitions" at 30, the fact that seemingly two-thirds of all movies produced in the past decade star Scarlett Johanson, or the fact that a woman's ability to attract suiters decreases the older she gets while a man's increases as he accumulates wealth; all prove that sexual marketplace value is indeed very real.

You are correct that there is no point in continuing this discussion as you can't even remain civil or refrain from repeatedly putting words in my mouth. I'm going to stop responding now. This has been a thoroughly unpleasant exchange, I suggest we don't have any further.

I'm sure any exchange that doesn't reinforce your snowflake biases is unpleasant to you. Sorry reality failed to conform to your strawman bullsh!t.

Anyway, the Internet has no shortage of echo chambers where White Knight SJWs will dogpile and tear down anyone who doesn't affirm your biases simply because you have a vagina. Maybe you should try one of those. I'm sure you'll find those exchanges much more to your liking. On here, however, you'll have to actually back up your arguments with substence.

Last edited by magnetowasright on 19 Nov 2018, 5:17 am, edited 2 times in total.


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19 Nov 2018, 5:08 am

She doesn’t like me but I don’t think name calling is appropriate

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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19 Nov 2018, 5:15 am

sly279 wrote:
She doesn’t like me but I don’t think name calling is appropriate

I didn't call anybody names. Any descriptors I used referred to her rhetoric, not her person.

Pileated woodpecker
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19 Nov 2018, 5:26 am

Why does all this sound so familiar. I can swear I've heard something very similar somewhere.

Oh, here it is:


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19 Nov 2018, 5:41 am

Sabreclaw wrote:
If relationships aren't transactional, then how come "what do you have to offer" and "you need to improve yourself so you have something to offer" are such common phrases in these kinds of discussions? Kind of implying a transaction there. Those are the first things I ever see when a guy complains about being lonely. The idea of simply "connecting" with somebody is rarely brought up.

I think relationships are like transactions for many NTs, and that's also where most of this advice about what can be offered and working on yourself comes from. However, NDs are better off ignoring NTs, as well as their dating culture built on "what can be offered", "boasting" and "working on yourself". And connecting is so much more important than all of this dating culture strangeness.

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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19 Nov 2018, 5:48 am

rdos wrote:
Sabreclaw wrote:
If relationships aren't transactional, then how come "what do you have to offer" and "you need to improve yourself so you have something to offer" are such common phrases in these kinds of discussions? Kind of implying a transaction there. Those are the first things I ever see when a guy complains about being lonely. The idea of simply "connecting" with somebody is rarely brought up.

I think relationships are like transactions for many NTs, and that's also where most of this advice about what can be offered and working on yourself comes from. However, NDs are better off ignoring NTs, as well as their dating culture built on "what can be offered", "boasting" and "working on yourself". And connecting is so much more important than all of this dating culture strangeness.

I agree in principle. Unfortunately, we are all stuck living in the NT world, which means our only choices are to play by NT rules or be left out in the cold.

The Grand Inquisitor

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19 Nov 2018, 5:52 am

magnetowasright wrote:
rdos wrote:
Sabreclaw wrote:
If relationships aren't transactional, then how come "what do you have to offer" and "you need to improve yourself so you have something to offer" are such common phrases in these kinds of discussions? Kind of implying a transaction there. Those are the first things I ever see when a guy complains about being lonely. The idea of simply "connecting" with somebody is rarely brought up.

I think relationships are like transactions for many NTs, and that's also where most of this advice about what can be offered and working on yourself comes from. However, NDs are better off ignoring NTs, as well as their dating culture built on "what can be offered", "boasting" and "working on yourself". And connecting is so much more important than all of this dating culture strangeness.

I agree in principle. Unfortunately, we are all stuck living in the NT world, which means our only choices are to play by NT rules or be left out in the cold.

Or date a neurodiverse woman.

Last edited by The Grand Inquisitor on 19 Nov 2018, 6:00 am, edited 1 time in total.


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19 Nov 2018, 5:53 am

rdos wrote:
Sabreclaw wrote:
If relationships aren't transactional, then how come "what do you have to offer" and "you need to improve yourself so you have something to offer" are such common phrases in these kinds of discussions? Kind of implying a transaction there. Those are the first things I ever see when a guy complains about being lonely. The idea of simply "connecting" with somebody is rarely brought up.

I think relationships are like transactions for many NTs, and that's also where most of this advice about what can be offered and working on yourself comes from. However, NDs are better off ignoring NTs, as well as their dating culture built on "what can be offered", "boasting" and "working on yourself". And connecting is so much more important than all of this dating culture strangeness.

Trying to find aspie women is a waste of time. They're way too rare, and probably either taken or asexuals.


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19 Nov 2018, 5:59 am

magnetowasright wrote:
I agree in principle. Unfortunately, we are all stuck living in the NT world, which means our only choices are to play by NT rules or be left out in the cold.

I think that is a premature conclusion. Once you realize that "dating" is not a big-number game, you realize you only need to find ONE woman that likes you, and that can happen in a non-dating context in any way you prefer yourself. After all, there are ND women too that are fed up with the dating culture, and open to alternative ways to form relationships.

The Grand Inquisitor

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19 Nov 2018, 6:02 am

Sabreclaw wrote:
rdos wrote:
Sabreclaw wrote:
If relationships aren't transactional, then how come "what do you have to offer" and "you need to improve yourself so you have something to offer" are such common phrases in these kinds of discussions? Kind of implying a transaction there. Those are the first things I ever see when a guy complains about being lonely. The idea of simply "connecting" with somebody is rarely brought up.

I think relationships are like transactions for many NTs, and that's also where most of this advice about what can be offered and working on yourself comes from. However, NDs are better off ignoring NTs, as well as their dating culture built on "what can be offered", "boasting" and "working on yourself". And connecting is so much more important than all of this dating culture strangeness.

Trying to find aspie women is a waste of time. They're way too rare, and probably either taken or asexuals.

Or gay. There seem to be a lot of autistics in the LGBT community.


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19 Nov 2018, 6:02 am

Sabreclaw wrote:
rdos wrote:
Sabreclaw wrote:
If relationships aren't transactional, then how come "what do you have to offer" and "you need to improve yourself so you have something to offer" are such common phrases in these kinds of discussions? Kind of implying a transaction there. Those are the first things I ever see when a guy complains about being lonely. The idea of simply "connecting" with somebody is rarely brought up.

I think relationships are like transactions for many NTs, and that's also where most of this advice about what can be offered and working on yourself comes from. However, NDs are better off ignoring NTs, as well as their dating culture built on "what can be offered", "boasting" and "working on yourself". And connecting is so much more important than all of this dating culture strangeness.

Trying to find aspie women is a waste of time. They're way too rare, and probably either taken or asexuals.

Some are hypersexual and have a very dirty mind. :mrgreen:


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19 Nov 2018, 6:04 am

The Grand Inquisitor wrote:
Sabreclaw wrote:
rdos wrote:
Sabreclaw wrote:
If relationships aren't transactional, then how come "what do you have to offer" and "you need to improve yourself so you have something to offer" are such common phrases in these kinds of discussions? Kind of implying a transaction there. Those are the first things I ever see when a guy complains about being lonely. The idea of simply "connecting" with somebody is rarely brought up.

I think relationships are like transactions for many NTs, and that's also where most of this advice about what can be offered and working on yourself comes from. However, NDs are better off ignoring NTs, as well as their dating culture built on "what can be offered", "boasting" and "working on yourself". And connecting is so much more important than all of this dating culture strangeness.

Trying to find aspie women is a waste of time. They're way too rare, and probably either taken or asexuals.

Or gay. There seem to be a lot of autistics in the LGBT community.

All of this is related to not fitting into the dating culture. Which is why you should look for ND women outside of the dating culture.


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19 Nov 2018, 6:08 am

rdos wrote:
The Grand Inquisitor wrote:
Sabreclaw wrote:
rdos wrote:
Sabreclaw wrote:
If relationships aren't transactional, then how come "what do you have to offer" and "you need to improve yourself so you have something to offer" are such common phrases in these kinds of discussions? Kind of implying a transaction there. Those are the first things I ever see when a guy complains about being lonely. The idea of simply "connecting" with somebody is rarely brought up.

I think relationships are like transactions for many NTs, and that's also where most of this advice about what can be offered and working on yourself comes from. However, NDs are better off ignoring NTs, as well as their dating culture built on "what can be offered", "boasting" and "working on yourself". And connecting is so much more important than all of this dating culture strangeness.

Trying to find aspie women is a waste of time. They're way too rare, and probably either taken or asexuals.

Or gay. There seem to be a lot of autistics in the LGBT community.

All of this is related to not fitting into the dating culture. Which is why you should look for ND women outside of the dating culture.

Look where? The problem with finding one ND woman is you're still looking for needles in haystacks. And finding one who actually likes you is way harder.


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19 Nov 2018, 6:17 am

NT women know an Autistic guy is not on their social/emotional level and ignore them. NT women have collective hive mentality and they sense weird, socially awkward, introverted men and they avoid. I can detect that women are not interested, so I do no need to bother them. Being labeled a creep/psycho is worse than rejection. There are a lot more males with Autism, schizophrenia, Down Syndrome and various mental health issues. Women have the right to reject socially/emotionally defected men.