The biggest one is being wishy-washy. Claims to like you, but won't hold a public relationship with you.
Won't talk straight to you about anything, but will hold you accountable when boundaries are crossed. Not ideal for aspergers suitors of all genders. Especially bad if it's a time consuming effort on your part to see them. Schedules, times, etc. should be something you both want. Don't just say yes if it makes you feel overwhelmed, fellow Aspie !
Gives you unreasonable tests for their favor and trust, but won't tell you when they're happening. I.E. they can't eat X food but will be angry you ordered it in public after assurances it's fine. Will greedily accept foods they're apparently allergic to, but will accuse you of being callous after the fact given really no choice. Can ruin all the fun there is in cooking for loved ones and friends.
Speaks poorly of you in public behind your back.
Antivax or accepting of a family member who is antivax. Claims to know better than science because they read it online. Crystal healing, herbs, pseudoscience... etc. Don't go along with this stuff to fit in. It's stupid.
Willing to damage parts of their or your body to handle autism symptoms. No, the movie "The Accountant" was not a playbook. I highly suggest that you do not damage your sense of hearing or vision or touch to avoid adapting the way the rest of us are forced to.
Side note, if somebody is interested in something you like, and you know its not for them, try to spend time doing something they like too! Its okay to be a little bored.