I know we both used to have a crush on each other back in high school, and that ship has sailed for you, but I'm falling for you.
I can't help it. My feelings are on-again, off-again.
I wish I could move on - I want to move on and find someone else, but right now you're the only female in my entire social life right now I'm talking to.
I've never felt a connection this strong and deep like this ever in my life with anyone, not even my best friends.
We've only been chatting since around 10 months now, but in that time you've earned the amount of trust and care I have that usually takes other friends several yeas to develop.
You are loyal, open, honest, laidback, kind, dedicated, and strong.
You accept me for who I am, you're one of the few i can be my true self too.
You value my openness and honesty. You understand me. You like the fact I don't do much small talk and actually think it's cool I can speak so deeply.
We are so similar and have a ridiculous amount of things in common, you're essentially the opposite gender of myself and what we aren't similar in could possibly complement one another (me and my facty/nerdy side, you and your pop-culture side - we could both help each other dive into those interests).
I just wish I could at least hang out with you in real-life, but sadly, you are half the country away.