therange wrote:
What exactly is it that a woman would solve in your life? If you're socially inept, aren't very interesting (to the NT crowd, i.e. the women you want) and are untreated for depression, what exactly is a woman going to do to make things better? If anything, she'll judge you more than your worst enemy, and dump you sooner than later.
What I'm saying is, all of the guys on here who complain about not having a girlfriend are breaking the number one dating rule...neediness. Women will sense that you'll do anything to impress or keep her, and she'll be scared off and leave. So basically, you're just wasting time thinking about getting a girlfriend. You can take the route some guys take on here and get an internet girlfriend and maybe meet up with her...if she doesn't live close, take a plane or train and meet her and maybe she'll like you for your current depressed self, but really, women want guys who are interesting and aren't negative and have a bad opinion of the opposite sex. Women want guys who can carry a conversation and have interests other than video games and science fiction.
My point being that you're wasting precious time hating the opposite sex and the world instead of improving your life.
What I read when I see this:
"You AS guys are losers and no one gives a sh** about you. Just accept that other guys will have all sorts of girls while you can't have one."
We AS guys only have one life and want to know what it's all about too. Isn't there supposed to be "someone for everyone?" And why do girls like only one type of guy? I am hurt when people tell me to accept being alone and that I am a loser who isn't interesting. The more social interaction us aspies get, the better we can be at it, you can't just expect us to wallow around in ineptitude all of our lives. So screw you, I'm still human, and I still want a girl.
And about the neediness thing, here's a story: Guy A waits for the right girl to come along, years later she doesn't and he's completely inexperienced. Guy B has sex with 6 girls by the time he's 18. Who do you think will be the needy one? Who will the girls go with? You can't tell us to accept that we will be alone forever, that's wrong.