I cross these gals off my list as well as the obvious meanies, cheaters, and racists:
2. CLOSET CASES - I'm out and proud, and I'm not getting introduced to your family and coworkers as a "friend." I'm not going to conservative church services with you to "keep up appearances." And for God's sake, I'm not going to schedule all our dates for lunch so we can avoid your husband.
3. MENTALLY UNSTABLE WOMEN - no, I am not talking about women who suffered from an eating disorder or schizophrenia in adolescence but are now recovered, who take medication for depression, who go to therapy, or who have Asperger's. I'm talking about women who self-harm, threaten suicide, starve themselves, throw things, and are just not healthy enough to be in a relationship. I have a nervous disposition myself and need a peaceful environment.
5. MASOCHISTS - do you seek out emotional pain? Do you manipulate me into insulting you so you can wallow? Do you call your verbally abusive mother just to hear her scream - and expect me to comfort you afterward? Do you
resent me for comforting you? Then you need to go talk to a therapist somewhere far, far away from me.
8. WOMEN WHO ARE TOO INTO THE WHOLE BUTCH/FEMME THING - it's the 21st century. Lesbians no longer have to decide who the "man" is.
10. KINKY WOMEN - if it requires a safe word, I'm not doing it.
11. MULTIPLE PEOPLE - what people do among themselves is none of my business as long as no one gets hurt, but I wouldn't want an open relationship, a polyamorous relationship, or a relationship in which bringing extra people into the bedroom was the norm. I tried a three-person relationship in high school, and it was hideously complicated even without sex. Never again.
12. WOMEN WITH SMARMY CAREERS - I'm just not that into corporate lawyers, tobacco company advertising execs, politicians, or drug dealers.
13. SHALLOW WOMEN - whether you're a Barbie or a hipster, I'm not interested if you can't look past people's appearances and affectations.
14. UNINTERESTING WOMEN - oh come on, you have to have a quirk in there
Yes, it looks like a lot, but I think it's all reasonable. Most of the playing field is still open to me with these conditions in place.

I'll add another: airhead. I actually admire girls who can think for themselves.