ApsieGuy wrote:
Laz wrote:
Your fine. Your problem isn't your looks
Your problem is your anally retentive on negativity to the point that you blocked up your shite pipe and need to send the plumber down there to wack it open. All the angst of trying to find reasons for not getting anywhere has churned up n glued all the crap together so your gonna need some serious laxitives to shift that load off your head.
So yeah, chill, become a bit more comfortable in your own flesh, speak to people go out and meet others women, men both and actually learn to be a human being. When you talk to people like other fellow members of the same race they occasionally reciprocate the kindness.
But don't worry i'm sure you'l find reason 10,000,0029 for why your not successful that will have nothing relevant to what people have told you and you will continue to walk the land like an eternal emperors new clothes story bollock naked with your shrinking apendage following suit.
Wow, I didn't know I am that negative. So, that's my issue? Could I be doing FINANCIALLY OK and get a girlfriend?
There is an aspie on here who post frequently who makes a good income. Yet, he is struggling too.
If yes his theirs a reason for it , his standards are way way to high , the woman his looking for will never be born.
Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob