blueroses wrote:
Sorry to hear you had two bad experiences, Grisha. Maybe they saw that you frequent this forum a lot and jumped to conclusions too quickly about your intentions?
Many women with AS do have a history of being taken advantage of by men due to an inability to read social situations, having poor self-esteem, etc. and can be extra defensive as a result sometimes, so I hope you'll keep that in perspective and try not to take the severity of their responses too personally.
To answer the original question, I have dated people who are members here. One relationship in 2008 lasted about a year and ended for reasons that had nothing to do with this site. We actually met in person and later learned we were both members here, though. So, I don't think there is anything wrong with it necessarily, it's just very tough for most people to meet others on WP who are living in their area, like I did by chance.
I met someone on Myspace who turned out to be a great friend. I met her brother once, and then she messages me (I didn't even realize she was on my friends list) and gives me her number (Delaware?? How am I supposed to hang out with her if she lives in freaking Delaware??) and we clicked. She is now married to the Devil, but it happens sometimes. Naturally, I don't talk to her anymore, because she only has time for her cancer. This other guy I met on a chatroom, and we were both making fun of the same person, and it turned out we went to rival high schools. Not only did he live in the same state as me (which is hard enough; everyone on there was from NY, PA, or CA) but he was 15 minutes away. So we were best friends for about 2 years, and then we went our own separate ways. In both cases, I wasn't trying to meet anyone, because if you try to meet someone, it never works well. If someone is a friend, trying isn't necessary. You either click or you don't. So if I were to date someone from WP, it would just so happen that we are both on this site, because otherwise it wouldn't even get to that point.