Space wrote:
I love "hot" girls... My dilemma is I have never had luck getting them! This is odd in a way, because I would consider myself to be a good match for a "hot" girl. I'm 6"2, muscular, nice eyes, have a well paying job, etc. I still have the AS downfalls though, and don't have many NT friends (so this probably affects my chances too).
I used to only want to date really attractive women, but I lowered my standards quite a bit so that I could actually get a woman. I'm not saying bad looking per-se, but average, and a few chubby women, "bigger", etc.
Right now I have a pretty cool NT girlfriend. She's 25, very intelligent (in her last year of veterinary medicine), and is not prudish (she loves sex). She is attractive, but definitely not one of the "hot" girls. Basically, she is looks-wise a good looking girl who is a bit bigger and could lose some weight.
My problem is, after all these years of no women and I finally get a girl who I can connect with on some level and wants to be with me, I still want a better looking one. Insane, isn't it?
How important are looks to you in your partner?
Maybe if you stopped looking at the outside and started trying to have a relationship (really, not just a superficial one), this would stop being such an issue...btw, does your girlfriend know you don't consider her "good enough"? *ugh*
To answer your question, looks are somewhat important to me, as in, I have to be attracted to a person physically to sustain a relationship, but what that means is different for me than it may be for someone else (conventional, Brad Pitt type attractiveness is not a "must".)
Ce e amorul? E un lung
Prilej pentru durere,
Caci mii de lacrimi nu-i ajung
Si tot mai multe cere.
--Mihai Eminescu