heh. day before my 17th bday. was with the dude for 3 1/2 years.
Since we broke up I didn't get any action for over a year, noone even hit on me! I just had a summer fling tho; have slept with two guys now.
There's this great online advice column called "Dear Sugar" at therumpus.net that I follow religiously. One of the questions that she answered was from a 23-year old virgin. It adressed the "wanting sex but not knowing where or how to get it" question:
Dear Sugar: The UnrollingI just started following this advice. My first "sex without attachments" experience has been really positive for me. It was definitely hard at first, because I knew I would probably never see or talk to this guy again after he left. Certainly no sort of relationship would come out of it, and my ultimate desire is to have a fun, interesting, hot boyfriend who I can get down and dirty with. But as Sugar says, everyone wants that and it won't happen instantly or your first time.
I'm just trying to gain experience right now in different sort of intimate situations so that if the right guy comes along, I won't be so emotionally fragile, inexperienced, clingy, and quick to become attached. I want to be a strong and independent woman who can bring guys moaning to their knees and walk away from them if it isn't working out. I don't want to latch on to the first guy that shows me some attention.
I think it is healthy to casually screw people (if you can emotionally handle it) in order to become less obsessive and overly-analytical about sex and love.
It's not healthy, it's sinful, and it shows a lack of self control and morals if you're not married.