first, grats... i'm happy for you two
second... i think a lot of the animosity generated on this thread is because you are responding overly defensively... as an aspie yourself, you should know an aspie's sense of humor might be a little off... but then, later in the thread, i see you taking glee in contributing to this downward cycle of the thread and not just merely over-reacting... you lost any argumentive leverage you ever had, right there (popcorn? wtf?). you should have LOLed when that person suggested it, to help pacify things and keep everything open. i'm not saying you're covering for inadequate sexual feelings... just a poor sense of social judgment; another aspie trait...
third... that horny girl bit... that's just plain wrong. how can you sit on your high seat and condemn people for misunderstanding asexuality (making generalizations)... when you do the exact same thing about sexuality? this is another point where you lost any sort of logical argumentive leverage you ever had.
forth... a technical question: i'm not sure which of you two is the guy; but i have a question just about asexuality in general for a guy (just cause it's easier to imagine in a girl; at least on a physical level)... without getting too graphic, do you (the guy) get erections and (if so) is it weird cause what could you be feeling other than something sexual? you can pm me or whatever... i'm just genuinely curious... i'm not interested in contributing to this fued.
to wrap it up, don't let people ruffle your feathers! like machine mentioned, the fact that you display your asexuality, kinda implies you're comfortable and proud of it (which you should be... but you need both, it's not good to have one or the other). i think if you had just made the thread about your new found love... then the responses would have been more along the lines of what you were expecting.
good luck to the both of you