Tequila wrote:
techstepgenr8tion wrote:
Not specifically against it if its all that's available, just that its far from optimal IMO.
Stick summat on't th'end of it!
Couple things:
1) Autistic = monster, not up for months of chase and several times the price (time + beer + clothing) for highly mediocre sex.
2) One person masturbating vs. two people masturbating. If you pen yourself a big check every month for a kid that you never had because you can't asexually produce, its a moot point and at worst you're racking up some bank fees.
3) You meet someone who's exactly what you've wanted but end up feeling something that all the guy tramps used to say all the time "She's too good for me" and its another weight on your shoulders and one where you can't un-tag yourself. Annoying if she finds out but bad enough that its hung around your own self-esteem like a lead weight.
The funny thing is, if you can find at least one monogamous relationship with sex once or twice a week, you're learning what you need to, you're not spending exorbitant amounts of money or effort to seal the deal nearly each individual time, and the best part - sterling quality, the psychological energy is on point. You've got someone who you can think about and feel warm and fuzzy all day, not be watching your phone with anxiety hoping she doesn't call or that you gave her your real name or number by accident.
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.