creepy guys have such confidence
another problem sometimes men get called ''creepy'' when they are not even hitting on women.
For example on another form a man just asked the woman next to him when the train next was and he said the woman just freak out on him and act like he was ''hitting'' on her.
Alot of time if you are an unattractive male or socialy awkward and go up ask a woman something like ''what time does the movie start'' sometimes a woman would consider him creepy, even though he's not even asking out the woman
That's why Ted Bundy is considered to be the sociopath(ASPD) model. Women found him very attractive and charismatic which he used to his advantage to lure them into becoming his victims. That's also why most other rapists are like that.
First of all, Anti-Social Personality Disorder is different to being a sociopath and a psychopath (also a slight difference between the two concepts, although it's a much debated topic in general). All psychopaths have ASPD, but not the other way around.
I'm not completely sure I understand your point... As mentioned, sociopaths and psychopaths are commonly very charismatic, confident, narcissistic and know how to lure and manipulate their victims. An average "creeper" that women prefer not to be approached by is usually awkward, persistent and makes the woman feel uncomfortable from the moment he makes moves towards her. Unfortunately the "creepy" side of a socio-/psychopath is often revealed to the victim much too late.
Bear in mind that not all rapists are sociopaths either. The reality is much more frightening that that...
It's not the sinful, but the stupid who are our shame - Oscar Wilde
Most of them are though. For example, I remember on the news there were headlines about U.S. soldiers raping women during the Iraq War, and the soldiers having ASPD was one of the first things they discussed about it.
Most of them are though. For example, I remember on the news there were headlines about U.S. soldiers raping women during the Iraq War, and the soldiers having ASPD was one of the first things they discussed about it.
That's mere speculation and actually incorrect, even though one might want to believe that. It's true that among criminals and rapists there are a large portion of sociopaths, but most victims are violated by people they know, often their boyfriends or husbands or exes. It causes a grand deal of pain for a lot of victims knowing that this isn't some random mad man that attacked them, it's someone who is supposed to love and respect them. Not even merely most of them are labelled as sociopaths. In USA alone 1 in 6 women get sexually assaulted (completed or attempted rape) during their lives.
We should get back to the topic, though...
It's not the sinful, but the stupid who are our shame - Oscar Wilde
heres something quite creepy
Here's a quick quiz. You are a child. Who is most likely to kill you. Your mum? Your dad? Stepdad?
Police have the answer after analysing family violence deaths over the past seven years. The answer is clear.
It's your mum. By a long margin.
You are more than twice as likely to be killed by your mum than your stepdad. Mum is five times more likely to kill than dad......
continued ... d=10849715
Here's a quick quiz. You are a child. Who is most likely to kill you. Your mum? Your dad? Stepdad?
Police have the answer after analysing family violence deaths over the past seven years. The answer is clear.
It's your mum. By a long margin.
You are more than twice as likely to be killed by your mum than your stepdad. Mum is five times more likely to kill than dad......
continued ... d=10849715
I posted that earlier... you can imagine a few vocal people called it "misogynistic hate speech" and got it deleted.
All I'm doing BlueMax is trying to balance the books
Many women have posted regarding male antisocial [and creepy] tendencies
As many ordinary law abiding non creepy males here on WP are brow beaten and worn down already by the NT world, self image destroyed by others with an axe to grind.
I thought I'd offer some balancing research [that is often not talked about and poorly understood.....]
To create a wider perspective regarding creepy behaviours of both sexes.
Many women have posted regarding male antisocial [and creepy] tendencies
As many ordinary law abiding non creepy males here on WP are brow beaten and worn down already by the NT world, self image destroyed by others with an axe to grind.
I thought I'd offer some balancing research [that is often not talked about and poorly understood.....]
To create a wider perspective regarding creepy behaviours of both sexes.
I'm all for balancing stuff and I even try to do so myself (re: women can be just as bad at interpreting creepy behavior as men can be for unintentionally coming off as such).
But when BlueMax posted it it was to make women look like worser people. Not balancing at all.
The article never mentioned women getting pregnant to a guy who turns out to be a mental problem, and they are left with his baby.... must be so confusing and humiliating for these women, left holding the baby of a man they despise, and/or is is no longer part of their lives...
Just to balance things a bit more.... thanks Blue_bean
That article (god knows whats in it I'm not reading it) probably doesn't take into account things like postnatal depression either. And of course there's gonna be more probability of mums hurting their kids than dads, due to the fact that mums are around the kids five times more than dads. Such as was my childhood; my dad was either at work or at the pub drinking with mates.
But there you go, even when we're "put in our place" and assume traditional parental roles people still find negative in what we do.
No - that's how you took it because you didn't like it. Have I ever given the impression men should be in control and women should be making sandwiches? Never. Not once. I don't know why you keep seeing me as some sort of enemy - I'd be the first to defend your rights if they were being violated! Why is it so bad that I'm offended when MY rights are violated when feminism goes too far and things are taken from me?
I'm getting very frustrated having to fight back from the totally unwarranted accusations from many women in my life... I mean the statistics show that taking children away from their fathers does terrible, terrible things to them - so why does family law do this by default?
I sat in a courthouse workroom with a court-appointed Dispute Resolution Officer, my ex-wife and her female lawyer and all three of them laughed to man-jokes at my expense in front of me! Would you call that "equality"? If the roles were reversed and a woman was being laughed at IN COURT by an all-male crowd, would you be more offended?
I try to make sure that some people who go over the line remember that it hurts people when they do.
And interesting that someone fighting for rights simply says to "man up" when my rights are taken away.
Please, you pretty much told us that we via motherhood are responsible for creating rapists, thereby implying that we deserve our own rapes. I pretty much stopped reading at that point and sunk my head realising WP had reached the lowest point in it's f*****g existence. I mean really, is that what all the downtrodden guys on WP such as yourself have to resort to to make their own worlds right? Lets get real here.
I don't find what you say offensive at all. What I do find bad is the sad victim complex you have that seeps through into everything you say. Dumping your baggage in one thread on women and then going "hey ladies

Gender politics and personal circumstances are irrelevant to me. I'm not even a feminist. I'm just sick of damaged goods such as yourself turning WP into a damaged place to be.
Please, you pretty much told us that we via motherhood are responsible for creating rapists, thereby implying that we deserve our own rapes. I pretty much stopped reading at that point and sunk my head realising WP had reached the lowest point in it's f***ing existence. I mean really, is that what all the downtrodden guys on WP such as yourself have to resort to to make their own worlds right? Lets get real here.
I don't find what you say offensive at all. What I do find bad is the sad victim complex you have that seeps through into everything you say. Dumping your baggage in one thread on women and then going "hey ladies

Gender politics and personal circumstances are irrelevant to me. I'm not even a feminist. I'm just sick of damaged goods such as yourself turning WP into a damaged place to be.
I'm actually a really easygoing guy but why should I not get mad when people slander me? I have a real problem with false accusation, like the total BS being smeared on my face right now.
Gender stereotyping is *so* wrong. This is why I brought up that some women can be creepy too. As usual, someone somewhere had to bring their own experiences into it and then go for the kill.
I judge people on a personal basis. If I was to bring my own personal life experience with men, to judge all others, well...then I would hate them all. But I am sufficiently intelligent to discern between my own bubble and the rest of the world. Just because my own Father never gave a damn, I don't think all men are bastards. I have known and heard of, some very virtuous, incorruptible, kind, dedicated men, who will value those he loves, and vice-versa. In fact, the quota of men I have known that have been the ones to stick with their off-spring whilst the women go and take a hike, is far superior, to the women doing the same thing. But that's just what I know in my circle of friends and acquaintances. I can share it with you guys on here, but I don't have to be abusive to do it, rude and cruel, in order to do it.
Happy Sunday.
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