Cuckooflower wrote:
Someone has probably already said this (can't be bothered to check), but you need to keep your hair cleaner. It looks greasy in those photos. Is it hair gel??
Beeswax, to be specific. Pristine stuff. Unfortunately, hair having product in it precludes it from being least until you wash it out.
And I think it would be better to either grow some proper stubble for a rough, sexy look, or be totally clean shaven. In-between doesn't work so well.
Girls will be affected by this? I'll definitely keep that in mind, I just tend to keep it neat until it starts to get a bit lengthy.....then shave it all off and do it all over again. If there's specific periods of the "cycle" that it'll look worse, perhaps I should consider a proper beard trimmer to keep it at a constant length (or just keep it shaved).
And try to be more confident.
I'm not very good at expressing my emotions via facial expressions. Feeling confident and looking confident usually coincide, but not for some of us on the spectrum. Anything in specific that made me appear to lack confidence?
Thanks for the feedback, in any case.