In my observation, many aspie men do things that turn women off. In the therapy group I was forced into (lol), I had a great time observing others. It led me to conclude I am a crazy borderline b***h, but only have AS very mildly.
Between inappropriate sexual comments (only alpha males are allowed to do this, duh!) and inappropriate touching, it was pretty obvious what was going on. Then, OKC and a lot of dating sites are full of men who, on a first date, simply think they can grab a woman's breast without working up to it. These observations lead me to think that the problems that many aspie men encounter with dating are more obvious than many think. The key is just to become aware.
As for myself, I have not had a huge problem getting a date, even though I am literally scientifically designed for people not to like me. Basically, everything about me is as unlikeable as possible, and I have no redeeming qualities. Not having any emotions where emotions are expected, and then acting completely crazy the rest of the time.
Yet I can still get dates and turn them into short-term relationships. Why? Because I don't make sexual comments or engage in unwanted physical contact. Also, I turn everything into a joke and am never serious. Anyone--aspie or NT--could do these things.
What I'm trying to say is it's not the AS that women don't like, it's a combination of lack of confidence, inappropriate sexual comments or touching, and being too serious. Even the last point probably isn't such a big deal. And the lack of confidence isn't a huge deal either. I have no confidence at all, and that basically shuts me off only from the very top women (sorority types, 10/10's). Women within my league looks-wise are usually willing to overlook it because women can often relate to insecurity, so it makes them feel connected.