Schneekugel wrote:
Its less about religion and more about outdated laws that still base themselves on times where religion was more important.
As example in my country, the health insurance that includes your family, includes your children but not your partner, if you are not married to him. An unmarried partner is no family relative and can as example be denied acces to you, when you are in the emergency part of the hospital. You also cant decide, if your partner was braindead in coma, if you wanted the hospital to let him die or plug him to machines to force him to live. If you are a unmarried father it gets even worst, so if you want to travel with your child of your unmarried wife on holiday you better have documents with you that the mother allows you to do so, if not you can get into trouble because you dont have automatic right to be responsible for your child, if you are not married. (You can do that additional, so if you are married you are automatic declared as childfather, but if not, you have to do that by officials.)
Or as example, if you are only partners, and one of the partners dies, then you have no right to inherit any property and even if you inherit something, you have to pay more tayes then you would as married partner. (As example if you are married and your partner dies, you have the full right to inherit the flat you lived in together without taxes.) Or as example, if only one of two maried partners worked until he went in rent, and this partner dies, then the remaining partner is given a part of the rent of the died one. (Widowrent)
So everything would go as well with unmarried partners, but being partners meant in earlier times being married, so many laws still base on it. You can do contracts on your own, but to do so you need additional a lawyer to help you, that costs money again....
That remains me a converstion I had once:
- I don't like marriage.
- Ok, but if the government doesn't know you have a relation with this person, because you didn't stated it officially, you don't have any right in case of accident or illness, neither in case of death, neither have you the chance of sharing taxes or accessing to family assistances.
- Well, then there could be some kind of paper that tells the government I have a serious relationship with my partner. A kind of register.
- Yeap. Indeed, there is. It's called marriage.
1 part of Asperger | 1 part of OCD | 2 parts of ADHD / APD / GT-LD / 2e
And finally, another part of secret spices :^)