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09 May 2013, 12:39 pm

AnonymousGIrl wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
AnonymousGIrl wrote:
nessa238 wrote:
Can I ask how old you are AnonymousGIrl?

Yes you can ask whether I'll answer is a no as I'm guessing this will be some maturity bit/lecture.

You are ASSuming that she'll give you some maturity lecture if you tell her your age :lol:.

I'm guessing and I even state so.

You are ASSuming by guessing what she will tell you. :lol:


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09 May 2013, 12:40 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Your friends might be insensitive like you, it could be, friends sometimes share similar mentalities/values, but your life isn't just about you and your friends, you have and you're gonna have new coworkers, neighbors, colleagues, relatives, new friends, acquaintances...etc.

I am not ASSuming your future, I am telling about something inevitable to happen if you live a long life - if you keep thinking like you think today.

I am starting to find this ASS thing amusing, do you have ASS fetish or something?

How is it insensitive to say a word to someone who is not offended or hurt by it in any way? Nowhere did I state my life is just about me and my friends however the scenario you present was about me friends you ASSuming that they share your sensitivity and offense level. Though it's telling that now that they don't share your sensitivity and offense level they're being insensitive rather than having different sensitivity then again you seem to have a I'm right/good and you're wrong/bad mentality.

That is ASSuming my future as you don't know if this applies to my future you since you're basing this inevitable thing on what you think I do. Again how do you know I would do that and you're not mistaken? Are you stalking me to know what I do and don't do?


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09 May 2013, 12:43 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
You are ASSuming by guessing what she will tell you. :lol:

By your definition by dictionary definitions assumption is asserting a claim while guessing is asserting an estimation. Different definitions though possibly you'll go on and on arguing how I'm wrong because your opinion is the only one that should be held. :roll:


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09 May 2013, 12:58 pm

AnonymousGIrl wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
You are ASSuming by guessing what she will tell you. :lol:

By your definition by dictionary definitions assumption is asserting a claim while guessing is asserting an estimation. Different definitions though possibly you'll go on and on arguing how I'm wrong because your opinion is the only one that should be held. :roll:

You are ASSuming that I'll possibly arguing how you are wrong and how my opinion is the only one true.



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09 May 2013, 1:03 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
AnonymousGIrl wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
You are ASSuming by guessing what she will tell you. :lol:

By your definition by dictionary definitions assumption is asserting a claim while guessing is asserting an estimation. Different definitions though possibly you'll go on and on arguing how I'm wrong because your opinion is the only one that should be held. :roll:

You are ASSuming that I'll possibly arguing how you are wrong and how my opinion is the only one true.


I'm stating a possibility again different definitions yours and the dictionary.

Though it's telling how you're evading answering how you know you're correctly assuming about my life, future, what I think, how I feel, and what I do as well as why my friends are insensitive by saying a word to someone who is not offended or hurt by it in any way? Not unsurprising as I find most guys use evasions when lacking logic.


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09 May 2013, 1:10 pm

AnonymousGIrl wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
AnonymousGIrl wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
You are ASSuming by guessing what she will tell you. :lol:

By your definition by dictionary definitions assumption is asserting a claim while guessing is asserting an estimation. Different definitions though possibly you'll go on and on arguing how I'm wrong because your opinion is the only one that should be held. :roll:

You are ASSuming that I'll possibly arguing how you are wrong and how my opinion is the only one true.


I'm stating a possibility again different definitions yours and the dictionary.

Though it's telling how you're evading answering how you know you're correctly assuming about my life, future, what I think, how I feel, and what I do as well as why my friends are insensitive by saying a word to someone who is not offended or hurt by it in any way? Not unsurprising as I find most guys use evasions when lacking logic.

By analyzing your own words and reasoning.

After all, I am Dr Whoo's old friend, I know the future!


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09 May 2013, 1:18 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
By analyzing your own words and reasoning.

After all, I am Dr Whoo's old friend, I know the future!

Again nice evasion I'll chalk it up to being a typical male in my experiences.

My words didn't mention my friends until just now and they wouldn't be offended by eww proving your analysis to be incorrect that: "so you would say eww(or anything offensive) in front of your friends without feeling guilt and taking into account your friends' feelings "

My reasoning didn't mention any moral judgments of right/wrong behavior of the word usage proving your analysis to be incorrect that I'm okay with eww.

Laters continue most likely having an ASSY day thinking you're correctly assuming about a person's social status, life, friends, feelings, thoughts, actions, and futures.


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09 May 2013, 1:30 pm

AnonymousGIrl wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
By analyzing your own words and reasoning.

After all, I am Dr Whoo's old friend, I know the future!

Again nice evasion I'll chalk it up to being a typical male in my experiences.



My words didn't mention my friends until just now and they wouldn't be offended by eww proving your analysis to be incorrect that: "so you would say eww(or anything offensive) in front of your friends without feeling guilt and taking into account your friends' feelings "

My reasoning didn't mention any moral judgments of right/wrong behavior of the word usage proving your analysis to be incorrect that I'm okay with eww.

Laters continue most likely having an ASSY day thinking you're correctly assuming about a person's social status, life, friends, feelings, thoughts, actions, and futures

Before explaining why I assumed all this about you, answer this question clearly.

Do you find the eww behavior morally wrong? Yes or no?


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09 May 2013, 1:48 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Let's suppose you're blonde.

Let's suppose that we are friends and drinking coffee in a cafe.

Scenario 1:

You: You know that girl there? Do you find her cute?
Me: No, she's blonde, I am not attracted to blondes.

Scenario 2:
You: You know that girl there? Do you find her cute?
Me: Eurgh! She's blonde, blondes disgust me, they look like filth!

Is the Scenario 1 the same as Scenario 2? Elaborate.

Both scenarios arent the same.
The second one is more aggresive and I doubt I could hang out with someone that always expressed herself like that for a long period without telling her to learn some manners or find someone else to befriend, depending on my mood that day
However they´d get the same reaction from me.
"Dont worry you arent all that so Im not interested in dating you either" with a smile to make sure that she understands that its all being said in the name of fun.


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09 May 2013, 3:59 pm

AnonymousGIrl wrote:
Couples who follow the attraction (looks) + appeal (personality) tend to get on well as they are sexually attracted to each other and enjoy the other's personality. I tend to find a lot of couples don't get on well when they forgo focus solely on attraction or appeal such as going just for appeal and then end up resenting your partner as you're repulsed by enduring sex with them or going just for attraction and liking what they look not who they are.

I'd feel nothing if other were saying eww about how I look as I don't care what others think of me and I'm way way way less emotional than others generally viewing things logically so I'd understand they're judging my looks not who I am as a person so I wouldn't be offended or see a reason for me to be hurt. Them not being attracted to me is not a reason for me to get all butthurt.


Well, if it happens to you (I hope it doesn't because it's a strain on your self-esteem), I expect you to hold up to the statement you just made.

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09 May 2013, 4:53 pm

PsychoSarah wrote:
The implication is the same, but the negativity is stronger in #2 than #1. The result is that #2 seems to dislike blonds far more than #1, or at the very least, is less polite about expressing their feelings than #1.


it is simple quantum psychology. the meaning is determined by the receiver. one could receive seven unique bits of information, but if they are perceived the same way, all seven are identical.


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09 May 2013, 7:14 pm

The second reply seems rude to me.I'm not attracted to blondes,but they are not gross,my daughter is blonde and very beautiful.I'm also not attracted to blue eyes,I have blue eyes,so they are not eww,gross.You don't have to be rude to people you are not attracted to.
And also,people can't really help their preference in what they find attractive in the opposite sex.If a blonde man swept me off my feet,and I really liked him,then my taste may change.
Personality has a lot to do with it.

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09 May 2013, 7:46 pm

Maybe people not seeing the difference are seeing it purely from the blonde's point of view... either scenario, the guy doesn't find her attractive and approach -- instead, he's disinterested and walks away. (Of course, the second guy may be hiding a look of disgust...)


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09 May 2013, 8:00 pm

No, they are not the same.

Hurtloam expressed my thoughts pretty well.

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Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I