wtfid2 wrote:
LookTwice wrote:
wtfid2 wrote:
porn star would be an epic job for a man...
Porn star is a
horrible job for most men.
care to elaborate?
Maybe it's because the women in those videos get most of the camera time, while the men just take turns. Sloppy seconds (and thirds) are
de rigeur of a male porn star's "acting" experience. Epic? Not for anyone but the first man "at bat".
What ... you didn't know that most 1 man / 1 woman videos feature 1 woman and at least 3 men? You might see the face of one of the men in cutshots away from the actual point of action, but in order to generate enough footage for 30 minutes, you need at least 3 men who strongly resemble each other from the neck down. Each man gets his own "money shot" on video, but only one man gets the credit for it.
They all get paid, of course.