How can I initiate a date?
I've only met a couple of guys kraftiekortie's size that gave me weird enough vibes to want to keep my distance. However, I had a boyfriend in college who was only 120 lbs, but he wrestled me to the ground to prevent me from leaving an argument before I realized what was happening.
I'm not familiar with OOM's stance on the subject, but learning self-defense is certainly a good thing. Like kraftiekortie alluded to, a few men have learned the unfortunate lesson that my height gives me the perfect advantage to deliver all my punching power to their diaphragm. What's bad is expecting self-defense to work at all times in all situations. While I think everyone should learn some self-defense techniques, I'll never advocate carrying a gun.
Those rape figures are not for Autistics. 96% is the VAST majority of our men and the VAST majority of our women. This is not because of stupid things heartbroken young men are saying on WP! In here, this is an AUTISTIC problem much more than a woman problem.
And part of the problem is that we as Autistics have been taught to be "good little boys and girls." Don't tell people no. Be compliant. If we go along, boy howdy, we will be "indistiguishable from peers." Except. most of us can get along with our peers. So, why are they referring to NTs'as our peers,especially because we we still ARE distinguishable as being vulnerable to danger.
And it's our young males too. And guess what? Often times our young men have it rougher after being raped than our women do. Because when a woman shares what happened to her, there is comfort from many sources. How many men here are receiving support here. No, they are hearing more about male rapists than they are about male rape victims. Maybe it takes an autistic to see that.
Way back when I was a teenager, my best friend and I would walk a couple miles on semi-desserted roads to get to each others homes. When we were walking alone, we wore baggy army fatigue jackets and gag glasses that had a fake nose and mustache attached. Cars would slow down, see our "faces." and speed up. I am not saying any woman "asks for rape", never. But if you are so terrified of of a few wolf whistles, or even a "nice rack," cover it up.Of course you have every right yo dress however you would like, but if that bothers you cover it up[ we only did the mustache thing when we were truly in vulnerable circumstances. Alone, walking through a neighborhood where, say construction workers were making comments about every woman under 100 years old and less than 900 pounds, it was no big deal. It was a cultural thing.
Also, with 96% of Autistic people being assaulted, maybe you should worry about triggering people who would not enjoy hearing 2 women, one of them CLUELESS about how Autistics tick, relentlessly go on and on about it And maybe people whose parents have divorced should NOT counsel Autitistic women that the husband will almost always go after all of the money. ALL Autistics should be wary of that. It is an Autistic male problem EVERY bit as much as an Autistic female problem. .
And remember when all this c**p got really ugly? I believe it was "someone" who decided to consult an expert to see if the expert considered what was going on was sexist abuse. Wow, that expert explained everything so quickly and completely to that person that they immediately became an "expert" themself on how to manipulate, I mean help, those 96% of Autistics who have been sexually assaulted.
And yeah, Ihave been raped. And yeah,it sucked. Every time. And yeah, at times it comes back and smacks me in the face. But mostly, I have always had bigger things to deal with. Like children dying, Like children wanting to die,like children being raped [ having it happen to your kid makes a personal rape comparatively a piece of cake,' having a husband die in your arms, knowing that neither you nor your husband are going to be around much longer and you are scared to death of what is going to happen to your disabled son when it happens.
I have my moments, and I do fall apart sometimes. I anticipate as this monster in my body progresses, I will fall apart more often, and I can count on WP people being here for me. But guys make catcalls ? If it really bothered you that much you could cover your "great beauty," Tear up an entire forum because of a few dumb things some guys on WP say? Yeah, I wish I could help these guys to understand that if they really want a relationship that they have to make some changes. And that some will accept that they might never have a romantic relationship but that they still can be happy and fulfilled people.
And another thing,NT lady, really, the only experts on being the most awesome Autistic possible, are other Autistics.
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Apples to oranges.
The complimenter/complimentee roles are reversed.
We're talking about the societal heterosexual norm vs. homosexuality. I doubt there are many instances of men getting violent with women who compliment them vs. with gay guys that compliment them.
No for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.
Joined: 11 Nov 2011
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Oh Vicky, I'm so sorry all that happened to you and yours and all ya'll had to deal with that! I so am! ((hugs)) Nobody deserves that, nobody.
I do want to say this though, and not to try and swagger between the typing up to that bar at the top of the page all acting badass like those 80's guys in the "Eye Of The Tiger Video" or anything because I am so most certainly not a badass and my point with this isn't at all to imply that if you just fight back it won't happen or you might not just get hurt worse for fighting back, but this is my experience and only my experience and as we all know, our experiences shape our ideas and such. I'm not going to go into a lot of yaddah yaddah BS details because I've told it all before, but I was bullied and beat up a lot in school and fought those girls back a couple times and won once (baseball bat, no skills at all then, I got lucky) but I only did it after my best friend forced me to do it because she was tired of seeing me being hurt and scared. Then I married a jackass when I was 18 and we were married a little over a year and I only really did that because my mother hated him and I wanted to "show her" because I was soooooo mature, huh, and get out of her house. The whole time he beat my ass, stole from me, lied to me, conned me, and did all kinds of terrible s**t to me. Really. One night when were were out together with his little brother but with divorce filed and pending already and I was as always hoping for maybe a complete change from the frog into Prince Charming, he hit me again and some way or other, maybe by divine providence, I just snapped. I had had enough and saw that I was bigger than him and by then I could take a punch about as good as any sparring partner in a boxing gym even though I couldn't throw one worth a f**k but rage compensates for a lot of things and I basically opened up a family size can of whoop ass on him that I didn't even know I had and handed him his ass really damn good. What did I have to lose? He's already beat me as bad as he could a bunch of times and did other s**t to me, so why not give it what I had?
After that I didn't take physical threats the same way. I still got my dumb ass in lots of situations where I had to throw down once again and I did and the more I did it and learned how and also just practiced and traded licks with a guy friend of mine who helped me learn how and also some dirty fighting moves as well the less I was afraid of being hit. I mean I had already been hit way more than Rocky had in the first two movies combined during my time with douchebag, so that wasn't my worry. My worry was being a girl could I actually bring enough force behind the arm to do anything. Women do usually have less upper body strength than men but sometimes we have more lower body strength, and I knew that to get out of a situation I would need to be able to deliver a decent punch and so I learned. I was never raped but it was close several times and sometimes threatening him got me out of it and other times I had to fight my way out, but yes, I was lucky. I'm tall and while I'm thing, I'm fairly strong and most guys don't expect an actual fight back from a girl, and I never fought like a girl.
I was also in some other situations that I got my own self into with my big mouth that I had to get out of that way too when it turned physical, and of course I never went looking for it or tempting fate, but I had confidence in my own abilities to get out of it after a while.
When I talk about that s**t to other girls on here who are afraid of getting attacked, many times they try and twist my advice to learn to defend yourself and my stories about how I did it into a "blame the victim for not fighting" thing or something. Where they get that, I don't know. It's a suggestion from me though, and a really serious one. Anybody that can't defend themselves physically should learn how to do so to the best of their ability. Adrenaline and basically being scared s**tless and furious will sometimes take care of the rest of it for you if the situation ever happens, which I honestly hope never happens to anybody here.
I'm no badass, but I've learned through experience that standing up for myself, even if I get hurt or my ass beat (that's happened many times from confrontations other than my ex too, but I lived through it and kept myself from getting robbed or raped or killed) that I felt better about myself for standing up to them and each time I had a bit more confidence and hope that I would win if it ever happened again, and you know what? I did win. Quite a few times actually. Surprised the hell out of me too! I never thought I could do anything like that. Ever. But now I get my feeling of safety from myself. I either avoid situations and place that could be like that, and when I can't avoid them, I know I'll do what I can do to save my own ass cause I'm my biggest fan. It's self confidence boosting for real to learn it. I wish people wouldn't get all snotty when I suggest it. It works and I'm suggesting it to them so maybe it'll help, not just so they can go get mad at me for it. Not that I care if they choose to take it that way, it's not like I can control how they take what I say, and I did offer the for real, working advice. So. I wanted to explain that whole self defense thing because the way it was just thrown out there like a dog turd it didn't really sound like what it was.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA.
The link to the forum is
Yes, you?re right. Up until now, we had agreed on the comparison because it dealt with how a strange man might react to hearing something he didn?t like. A compliment from you, a rejection from us. But maybe you see now how scary it can be to be confronted with an unknown. We don?t get to choose who?s ?complimenting? us, so being confronted by that unchosen ?complimenting? stranger in an everyday setting can be unsettling. Five out of six of the women on this thread who voiced an opinion on the matter said they would NOT like to be ?complimented? by a strange man in an everyday setting.
Let?s start wrapping this up since feelings are getting a bit raw. There are some terrible people in this world. Most people aren?t terrible, but some people are. Some of these terrible people are men ? even smaller men. Most men aren?t terrible, but some men are. Some of us have gone to the lengths of learning self defense to help guard against attacks by these terrible men. It?s a real problem that both women and men, especially aspies, have to be aware of.
Not knowing who the terrible men are makes it difficult to feel comfortable talking to strange men about sexual/romantic matters when you?re in an everyday situation. That?s why, when choosing a method to initiate a date, you should avoid going up to a woman out of the blue at a store and initiating a sexual/romantic conversation by remarking on her appearance. She doesn?t know whether or not you?re one of the few terrible men, and she just wants to go about her day without the anxiety of trying to figure out whether or not you?re terrible.
I like compliments from men, as does every other lady I know. It's nice. A compliment is him saying something nice about you, to you. Unless it's something really crude and he's really hot and your goal is just a hookup, then a compliment is nice. I'm not a gay guy so maybe I know more than the fellow you were just bitching at about it up there. I don't speak for all of the female sex, and damn sure not for you, but I do speak for me and my friends and every other gal I've heard in the bathroom at the bar or somewhere else near me talking to her friend about what this one said to her, in a good way.
Of course there are things a guy can say to you that will piss you off. He can make it obvious that he just wants to get in your pants and not even try and be smooth about it or he can be stuck up and act all like he's doing you a favor by talking to you etc, and in those cases you should let him have it with both barrels. He may simply not be your type but he's polite and trying, so most decent girls would just tell him no thanks or that they are waiting on someone so as not to be rude and hurt his feelings.
It's not only men who go out and look for a hookup when they are single, or go out and look to meet somebody they might end up in a relationship with. Why you act like all females are just poor little victims of men's desires and disrespect? I've gone out many a night back in the day when I was around 20 and looked for a guy that I thought would suit my fancy and I used strategic moves to get him the same way a guy would for a girl he fancied.
If you feel victimized when you get complimented then state it like that! I don't say all women like it, but I also don't say all women want to have him put away for daring to comment on us either. I most certainly do NOT speak for all of the rest of the population with a vagina, but I speak for me, my friends, people I've known or talked to or even overheard, and I can tell you that unless the guy was a dick or something like that, then every girl I have ever come across who has ever been hit on nicely by a guy, was actually flattered by it even if she wasn't interested. That has happened to you before, right hon? Being hit on in a nice and polite way by a decent guy who looked a little sad when you turned him down but he took it decently and left you alone afterwards, right? Because that's how it usually goes. And yes, I've had my share of guys who don't get what no means and who treat everything in a skirt like she's a whore, but that is not the majority of guys in my experience. When those things happened to me I handled them before they escalated and took care of my sh**. I'm glad I was able to and I'm aware that some girls don't know how to be that ballsy about things and it's not the girls fault. However, every guy out there is not out to harm or disrespect you in some way just by trying to talk to you. People have instincts and desires to couple, whether by coupling they want to become a couple and have a relationship or just to screw on the sink in the girls bathroom and then not see each other again. To each their own, but just because a guy thinks you are pretty and wants to talk to you doesn't make him the enemy.
Or did you just come into that place to change the light bulb?
I have two simple words for you, thank you.
As for meeting girls in a bar, or club; it generally isn't a good idea unless you are the clubbing type. A lot of girls and guys for that matter are less likely to be loyal, especially if you aren't the type to go to the clubs with them. Don't expect to be compatible with someone you meet at a club, unless you like going to clubs.
I like compliments from men, as does every other lady I know. It's nice. A compliment is him saying something nice about you, to you. Unless it's something really crude and he's really hot and your goal is just a hookup, then a compliment is nice. I'm not a gay guy so maybe I know more than the fellow you were just bitching at about it up there. I don't speak for all of the female sex, and damn sure not for you, but I do speak for me and my friends and every other gal I've heard in the bathroom at the bar or somewhere else near me talking to her friend about what this one said to her, in a good way.
Of course there are things a guy can say to you that will piss you off. He can make it obvious that he just wants to get in your pants and not even try and be smooth about it or he can be stuck up and act all like he's doing you a favor by talking to you etc, and in those cases you should let him have it with both barrels. He may simply not be your type but he's polite and trying, so most decent girls would just tell him no thanks or that they are waiting on someone so as not to be rude and hurt his feelings.
It's not only men who go out and look for a hookup when they are single, or go out and look to meet somebody they might end up in a relationship with. Why you act like all females are just poor little victims of men's desires and disrespect? I've gone out many a night back in the day when I was around 20 and looked for a guy that I thought would suit my fancy and I used strategic moves to get him the same way a guy would for a girl he fancied.
If you feel victimized when you get complimented then state it like that! I don't say all women like it, but I also don't say all women want to have him put away for daring to comment on us either. I most certainly do NOT speak for all of the rest of the population with a vagina, but I speak for me, my friends, people I've known or talked to or even overheard, and I can tell you that unless the guy was a dick or something like that, then every girl I have ever come across who has ever been hit on nicely by a guy, was actually flattered by it even if she wasn't interested. That has happened to you before, right hon? Being hit on in a nice and polite way by a decent guy who looked a little sad when you turned him down but he took it decently and left you alone afterwards, right? Because that's how it usually goes. And yes, I've had my share of guys who don't get what no means and who treat everything in a skirt like she's a whore, but that is not the majority of guys in my experience. When those things happened to me I handled them before they escalated and took care of my sh**. I'm glad I was able to and I'm aware that some girls don't know how to be that ballsy about things and it's not the girls fault. However, every guy out there is not out to harm or disrespect you in some way just by trying to talk to you. People have instincts and desires to couple, whether by coupling they want to become a couple and have a relationship or just to screw on the sink in the girls bathroom and then not see each other again. To each their own, but just because a guy thinks you are pretty and wants to talk to you doesn't make him the enemy.
Or did you just come into that place to change the light bulb?
I have two simple words for you, thank you.
In my opinion., most people who get 'oh so offended" when given a compliment, tend to be people who simply like being offended. This is a trait that [thank god] is not as prevalent in Autitics as in NTs'.
On an Autistic board, where men have ussually been sexually abused as often as women have, for what possible reason would there be so much more discussion about women being sexually assaulted by men, than just Autistics in general being sexually assaulted?
In NT land, there will be a larger % of women being sexually assaulted than men.. So long as you are not Autistic. If you are Autistic, ,male or female, odds are that you have been sexually assaulted. To single out are men and To imply otherwise, in my opinion, reeks of sexism.
I like compliments from men, as does every other lady I know. It's nice. A compliment is him saying something nice about you, to you. Unless it's something really crude and he's really hot and your goal is just a hookup, then a compliment is nice. I'm not a gay guy so maybe I know more than the fellow you were just bitching at about it up there. I don't speak for all of the female sex, and damn sure not for you, but I do speak for me and my friends and every other gal I've heard in the bathroom at the bar or somewhere else near me talking to her friend about what this one said to her, in a good way.
Of course there are things a guy can say to you that will piss you off. He can make it obvious that he just wants to get in your pants and not even try and be smooth about it or he can be stuck up and act all like he's doing you a favor by talking to you etc, and in those cases you should let him have it with both barrels. He may simply not be your type but he's polite and trying, so most decent girls would just tell him no thanks or that they are waiting on someone so as not to be rude and hurt his feelings.
It's not only men who go out and look for a hookup when they are single, or go out and look to meet somebody they might end up in a relationship with. Why you act like all females are just poor little victims of men's desires and disrespect? I've gone out many a night back in the day when I was around 20 and looked for a guy that I thought would suit my fancy and I used strategic moves to get him the same way a guy would for a girl he fancied.
If you feel victimized when you get complimented then state it like that! I don't say all women like it, but I also don't say all women want to have him put away for daring to comment on us either. I most certainly do NOT speak for all of the rest of the population with a vagina, but I speak for me, my friends, people I've known or talked to or even overheard, and I can tell you that unless the guy was a dick or something like that, then every girl I have ever come across who has ever been hit on nicely by a guy, was actually flattered by it even if she wasn't interested. That has happened to you before, right hon? Being hit on in a nice and polite way by a decent guy who looked a little sad when you turned him down but he took it decently and left you alone afterwards, right? Because that's how it usually goes. And yes, I've had my share of guys who don't get what no means and who treat everything in a skirt like she's a whore, but that is not the majority of guys in my experience. When those things happened to me I handled them before they escalated and took care of my sh**. I'm glad I was able to and I'm aware that some girls don't know how to be that ballsy about things and it's not the girls fault. However, every guy out there is not out to harm or disrespect you in some way just by trying to talk to you. People have instincts and desires to couple, whether by coupling they want to become a couple and have a relationship or just to screw on the sink in the girls bathroom and then not see each other again. To each their own, but just because a guy thinks you are pretty and wants to talk to you doesn't make him the enemy.
Or did you just come into that place to change the light bulb?
I have two simple words for you, thank you.
Nobody here except OliveOilMom was talking about the club scene. No woman on this thread complained about being complimented at a bar/club/mate-seeking-location. The complaints were about being approached by random people making comments about your appearance as you're trying to shop or do something completely non-mate-seeking.
Due to the many, many, many "men seeking women" threads in the L&D subforum, which always seem to devolve into at least one man dismissing or not understanding the point of view of the women explaining what they've experienced in their lives. If there were more "men seeking men" or "women seeking men" threads, then you might have more of an avenue for the discussion you're talking about. I don't know all of the forum history of why you feel left out here. Why would our experiences lessen yours? Aren't they complementary? That's why I said:
Vicky, perhaps then you ought to go and read about the experiences of the very large number of women who explain why they don't want men coming up to them and "complimenting" them, and why getting hit on like that is no compliment. Again, if you're going to plug your ears and refuse to hear it, there's nothing I can do, but know that the information is out there waiting for you and you're ignoring it. These women are not people who "simply like being offended". They are women who just want to be left in peace and not molested, harassed, or hit on as they go about their day. It isn't because they hate men. It isn't because they're rape-traumatized. It's because they are aware of living in an environment in which they exist as eye candy for men, which is not only unpleasant but often dangerous. And they'd prefer not to go through their days being reminded of this.
I know that you don't feel this (if you did, you wouldn't comment as you do). But it's not a bizarre or freak understanding of the world. It's very common, and it's common because it's a real thing.
I think it was Eureka who pointed out for you the underlying meanings of those "compliments", and why they aren't compliments. She did a good job.
The reason is that this thread is about how to date, initiated by a man. Almost immediately a man suggested that he go harass random women. Much of the rest of this thread has been about why that in particular is a bad idea.
Vicky, nobody is ignoring the fact that men get raped or that autistic men are particularly vulnerable. But that's not what this thread has been about.
I'm not sure what your last sentence means, but you're being derailed by failing to notice the thread topic. See above. If you want to talk about autistic men being raped, I'm sure many people would join in. I would suggest starting a new thread.
I'm going to be really snarky here for a minute. Vickygleitz can get his wish for us to stop talking about this subject so much AND the lovelorn could get one step closer to understanding how to be appealing to a woman:
LOVELORN: Demonstrate enough intelligence to scroll down the screen and see that your question has been answered at least three times already just on the first page. If that doesn't work, use the search function. Women generally like intelligence. Practice being intelligent by not asking the same dang question as a hundred other men on this site.
OOM, your perspective sounds almost frozen in time. It reminds me very much of the attitude in the NYC area around the Anita Hill hearings. Boy, did she get it in the neck. People -- women and men both -- attacking her, saying she'd made things up, that she just wanted attention, that she was playing the victim, that if it was such a big deal why didn't she complain when it happen, why wait till now if she didn't just have a vendetta? The viciousness was incredible, but normal. But it was also the 1980s, when few women had careers and even fewer had been at it long enough to be senior. I think there was not a widespread understanding, then, of the routine and appalling sexual harassment women deal with at work, how damaging and expensive it is -- personally, professionally, financially -- and how difficult it is to fight. Now, of course, it's obvious why she didn't speak up at the time. She was terribly vulnerable, she'd have lost her career. But back then the idea was that if you weren't tough enough to take it, you had no business playing with the boys.
That's changed. A lot. Enough women went through what she did, and got to senior positions, to make sure things changed. And enough women went and had careers to make it difficult to say they were some sort of anomaly at the party. Yes, there's still plenty of harassment, it's still pervasive. But the idea that if you're going to be a "career girl" you should suck it up (or off), and that certain things should just be tolerated -- no, those are gone. And it's still hard to fight, but it's much easier than it used to be.
This idea that women are "playing victim" if they don't want to be treated badly -- well, it's just stupid, imo. I don't like to get hit, either. That doesn't mean I'm a whining victim playing delicate blossom and demanding that we have a police force because oh me oh my, I can't fight my own fights. Nor for that matter is it bad, wrong, shameful, or anything else to identify as a victim if you are one. It's a very macho idea, this "nobody will see that I was a victim" business. And it's unnecessary. There are many rape victims and other DV victims on this site. I see no reason to try to shame them for saying that what they went through was terrible and that they want to get rid of the kinds of social setups that encourage people to victimize others. Maybe *you're* ashamed of looking like a victim. If so, that's your business -- don't put it on someone else.
In my opinion, it's pretty stupid to refuse to admit you're a victim when you're being victimized. That more or less guarantees that you'll never be anything but. If you're a woman working for subpar pay, if you're treated like meat out in public, if you're harassed and bullied, if you're being kept away from opportunities so men get them preferentially, yeah, that's victimisation. It seems to me much smarter to recognize the victimization for what it is and do what you can to make it stop.
Oo! Like a fembot, but with pants! I had to point out to some dummy on Facebook that carrying a gun to prevent rape is stupid. It's not like a guy says, "Hey, I'm going to grab you. Let me give you time to get your gun out of your purse and aim it at me." More like, "I see that you're trying to get a gun out of your purse as I grapple with you. Let me wrestle that from your hands and use it against you."
I think that was a reference to the fact that I encourage everyone to learn a type of self defense that actually works or arm themselves.
No, a rapist doesn't tell you in advance in time to shoot him first. That's kinda obvious. And you may not be able to fight the guy off, but learning how to try is better than nothing. You never know if you will be able to or not until you are in the particular situation with the particular guy.
It also makes you feel a whole lot safer and gives you much more confidence when you feel that you can protect yourself somewhat.
Is self defense and empowering yourself a bad thing now?
No, it wasn't a response to you. It's just the usual blockhead advice given to women who point out that just being a woman is dangerous. Partly, I suspect, because the advice-giving guys groove on the idea of a video-game-gurl with big boobs giving the bad guys what-for. Standard fantasy. I've been raped, mugged, burgled, and can tell you that the advice these guys give is complete balls. My favorite one is the Krav guys, oh those sad bastards. I told an Israeli friend about it one day and he took about five minutes to stop laughing.
Arming yourself is terrible advice. Many more people are shot by accident or in order to kill themselves than are shot in the course of self-defense. The only time anyone ever pointed a gun at me was when a child visiting my boyfriends' folks found a gun his dad had forgotten about. If it had been loaded it would've been a messy scene.
The best self-defense is to live in a good neighborhood in a polite place, one where women have their own money, have a good bit of power, and are treated relatively well, and is well-served by police who make it plain that this s**t is not tolerated, and that you will be moved along, sir. Reduces dramatically the odds that Bad Things will happen in the first place.
Oo! Like a fembot, but with pants! I had to point out to some dummy on Facebook that carrying a gun to prevent rape is stupid. It's not like a guy says, "Hey, I'm going to grab you. Let me give you time to get your gun out of your purse and aim it at me." More like, "I see that you're trying to get a gun out of your purse as I grapple with you. Let me wrestle that from your hands and use it against you."
I think that was a reference to the fact that I encourage everyone to learn a type of self defense that actually works or arm themselves.
No, a rapist doesn't tell you in advance in time to shoot him first. That's kinda obvious. And you may not be able to fight the guy off, but learning how to try is better than nothing. You never know if you will be able to or not until you are in the particular situation with the particular guy.
It also makes you feel a whole lot safer and gives you much more confidence when you feel that you can protect yourself somewhat.
Is self defense and empowering yourself a bad thing now?
No, it wasn't a response to you. It's just the usual blockhead advice given to women who point out that just being a woman is dangerous. Partly, I suspect, because the advice-giving guys groove on the idea of a video-game-gurl with big boobs giving the bad guys what-for. Standard fantasy. I've been raped, mugged, burgled, and can tell you that the advice these guys give is complete balls. My favorite one is the Krav guys, oh those sad bastards. I told an Israeli friend about it one day and he took about five minutes to stop laughing.
Arming yourself is terrible advice. Many more people are shot by accident or in order to kill themselves than are shot in the course of self-defense. The only time anyone ever pointed a gun at me was when a child visiting my boyfriends' folks found a gun his dad had forgotten about. If it had been loaded it would've been a messy scene.
The best self-defense is to live in a good neighborhood in a polite place, one where women have their own money, have a good bit of power, and are treated relatively well, and is well-served by police who make it plain that this sh** is not tolerated, and that you will be moved along, sir. Reduces dramatically the odds that Bad Things will happen in the first place.
the number of gun deaths include people shot by leo and others in defense. also what about all the times just bring the gun out stops an attacker. these are hardly reported as nothing happen.
not everyone can choose where they live. lots die in the same city they were born. I likely will never been out of my state even. We don't have terrible high crime though. though we have a big university and rape and such happens there