It's harder to date if you're autistic, somebody like me it has always been hard. Growing up autistic, being shy, not knowing how to talk to girls or get dates. I remember when I was younger back in 8th and 9th grade, I would try to talk to girls and message them on Facebook and they would all call me a creep, stalker, that I was ugly and delete me from Facebook and this had an emotional impact on me because I cared a lot what women thought of me. As a result, I didn't talk to girls throughout all of high school because I couldn't have mentally handled their rejection. I just didn't know any better back then, I had no idea what I was doing wrong and why women were avoiding me, I was just trying to be friendly. I just wish somebody would have sat me down and told me the rules and that rejection is apart of the game because it would have saved me years of isolating myself from women.
Being autistic makes it harder to date, that's definitely true. How can you expect to get dates when you have a hard time even making friends? You don't know the rules, you may come off as weird or special or just some random creep. It doesn't help that you look around you and none of the aspie guys you know are any good with women, there's nobody like me to look up to. Out of the 40+ people I know with autism, very few dated in their teens. We're all in the same boat, nothing ever changes among us.
It doesn't matter who you are, everybody looks for love and intimacy in whatever form that may be, it's just for some of us that it's harder because we wernet born to naturally be able to socialize. But hopefully it will be worth it.