I'm 28 and I've never been in a relationship before. I had a month long thing with a guy I lost my virginity to when I was 17, but he dropped me for some other girl. I had casual sex with 2 other guys since then. One of the two tried to take me out on a date, but I didn't realize it was a date and I missed all the cues. The casual sex didn't last long. They found me either emotionless/cold as ice or too aggressive. There is no middle ground with me. I'm incapable of being warm and gentle. When I like someone and actually make a move, it always comes out aggressively and I scare them away. Examples of my aggression: I once grabbed a guy by his belt buckle and forcefully pulled him towards me for a kiss, once spanked a guy during sex, once dug my nails into a guy's back, once bit a guy's lips. Some of them are not as bad as others, but usually it comes out of nowhere and the guy is like "what the f***?" I guess I have to find some kind of masochist who gets off on pain. I'm basically that kid on the playground who pushes you or trips you as my way of saying I like you. I love play-fighting.
Last edited by CoffinCrawler on 18 Feb 2015, 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.