CommanderKeen wrote:
Yeah, because there are no women who are psychotic. *rolls eyes*
I'm not sure what about the above offends me more:
- the suggestion that the woman in this anecdote must be mentally ill to feel threatened. I don't think Patrick was necessarily behaving in a threatening way (there is not enough information,) but to jump to dismissing her concerns as paranoiac is a little over-the-top.
- or, because I am mentally ill. Slurs for people with mental health issues get thrown around way too dismissively sometimes. If the woman in the anecdote is mentally ill, shouldn't we feel bad for her?
I don't think the bashing of the woman is at all necessary. The incident should be a learning experience, nothing more. As the OP mentioned and I have experienced in my own life, sometimes autistic people make social errors and come off as creepy. But there's no reason to get angry at the person who misunderstood us, it's just part of the process of exploring the neurotypical world.
You stated that there is usually a reason for women to be upset, implying that men are at fault most of the time. This also implies that women are rarely at fault. This isn't the case. Having a certain set of genitals does not make one immune to being in the wrong, despite what some members here think.