so I'm slightly telepathic......I think.

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10 May 2007, 6:17 pm

well free will is really an illusion, there is scientific evidence to back this up nowadays.
Of course, one definition of freewill may differ from someone elses, so we need to define what we mean before talking nonsense to each other about it.

Anyway i am only in this thread waiting for the original poster to demostrate his abilities.


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10 May 2007, 6:40 pm

Kosmonaut wrote:
well free will is really an illusion, there is scientific evidence to back this up nowadays.
Of course, one definition of freewill may differ from someone elses, so we need to define what we mean before talking nonsense to each other about it.

Anyway i am only in this thread waiting for the original poster to demostrate his abilities.

My abilities aren't the type that can be called upon like some mutant outa X-men or Marvel, my dreams are my dreams.

Freewill is what we want it to be, me, I don't live by freewill, I like by the will of the free, the proud, and the brave.

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10 May 2007, 7:51 pm

As opposed to ignoring any well thought out posts to the contrary, how about you, yes you Gamster, offer a serious response addressing why you believe psychic abilities exist in general? It would probably be more effective than you running about pretending you're a warlock and throwing names at anyone who disagrees.

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10 May 2007, 8:47 pm

Ramsus wrote:
As opposed to ignoring any well thought out posts to the contrary, how about you, yes you Gamster, offer a serious response addressing why you believe psychic abilities exist in general? It would probably be more effective than you running about pretending you're a warlock and throwing names at anyone who disagrees.

Uhm....I never said I could perform magic, so calling me a Warlock is a bit odd ended in that sense.

I believe that there are certain qualities in a person that they can develope over time, such as a certain clairvoyant nature that is a psychic like quality. Those people out there, the phone psychics, they don't have it. There are is a 1 in 6 chance that someone will be born with this ability, and if they use it correctly and nurture it over time. But there are those out there, like me, who weren't born with this gift(many consider it a gift, I don't, there are times I wish I didn't have it, and could learn to block it) and learn to master it, aura reading, healing abilities, soul gazing, and future/psychic dreams. The one that stands out to me the most is the future/psychic dreams, these have shaped my life, and while I don't like them, I've learned to accept them, try and ignore them sometimes. I can give an example. 6 years ago, my uncle was diagnosed with cancer, the night before I had a premonition of a call that would be coming shortly, but since my dreams aren't ever linear, I figured it could be the next day, the next week, or the next month, thats the one thing I don't like about my dreams is that they aren't linear.....well with the exception of the 9/11 dream, they're never succiently in a certain order. Anyhow, my uncle was diagnosed with colon Cancer, and given a few months to live, this however, I didn't believe, because I had another dream a few nights after, and (remember that my dreams are never succentially linear,) I saw them at a party for me, saying congratulations, what they were saying congratulations for at the time, I didn't know, I was in 8th grade at the time, so it could of been anything, (lemme remind you that I am not making this up.) Two months ago my uncle's cancer came out of remission, this is a tiny event that I could of never forseen, and so I was worried, but I realized that at the same time he had seen me graduate high school, he had seen his son and daughter graduate high school as well, and he had been loved, so if it was his time, then it was his time, but another dream surfaced within a week or so, it showed them again at a party for me, saying congratulations, this I figured was for college, since I am a Freshman, and if all goes well, I will graduate in four years. I believe that these gifts, may be from God. Yes, I am a Christian, and no, I'm not the type who will preach at you for not beliving or anything like that, its not my place to judge, unless you do something really stupid, then I'll give a lecture, only done that once, and it was last summer, at work, of course I found I wasn't the only Christian there, one of the workers is a deep man, who you can totally see the light of Heaven in. anyhow back to what I was talking about. I believe that God may be using me as a Prophet here on earth, but I'm ignoring that idea, mainly because my dreams affect only me(with the exception of 9/11) and those close to me.

So all in all, I don't really care what you think. You all have judged me already, calling me delusional, wacko, weird, upstart. Go ahead. judge me all you want. I don't care.

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10 May 2007, 8:56 pm

Don't you ever doubt though?

Don't you wonder if these dreams are the
cumulation of sensory data/subconscious
processing? I know that I wonder about
the things that I should KNOW, from experience,
and just suppose that somehow I'm picking
up on stuff that is easily available.


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11 May 2007, 12:36 am

calandale wrote:
Don't you ever doubt though?

Don't you wonder if these dreams are the
cumulation of sensory data/subconscious
processing? I know that I wonder about
the things that I should KNOW, from experience,
and just suppose that somehow I'm picking
up on stuff that is easily available.

I do doubt, but at the same time, I can't doubt, how can I doubt when something like this is staring me in the face(metaphorically)

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11 May 2007, 4:11 am

what are the chances of some sort of prediction anytime soon?
Anything: we dont need a major catastrophe (although that would be cool), but some sort of demonstration would be nice.


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11 May 2007, 5:24 am

Crap man, leave it be. These things just happen.
No need to understand. He probably shouldn't have
posted, and kept it hidden, as those of us with power
usually have learned.


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11 May 2007, 7:26 am

well all i can say is that this thread has been a bitter disappointment.


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11 May 2007, 11:28 am

An aura has nothing to do with paranormal activity. It's a natural occurance formed by the reaction of molecules to the electricity in our bodies. A Russian team did extensive studies on this. An aura is *impossible* to see with a human eye, though they've suggested it may be possible that babies are able to see them, what with their eyes not being worn down. And Gamester, we all encounter whacks like you on a daily basis. I said to provide some actual evidence to why you believe psychic phenomenon exists - you failed to do so. Instead, you merely ranted on about your own little hallucinations which you like to interpret as psychic abilities, thereby further proving everyone else's point. Get over yourself.

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11 May 2007, 8:50 pm

Ive had similar experiences,however I do not think that we need scientific proof that such things exist to believe.
The way I look it,it doesnt even have to be very supernatural.
I think its actually something highly natural,that we just cant explain.
I do not think it necessarily has anything to do with other phenomena,or that it is linked somehow.
You're just able to tune in and understand what is going on,cause it reaches your awareness.
Still,I think most people do this everyday,just not being aware of it..

Hmm,hope that didnt sound like too much mambo jumbo


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11 May 2007, 8:52 pm

Kosmonaut wrote:
well all i can say is that this thread has been a bitter disappointment.

Did you actually expect more?


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12 May 2007, 9:53 am

Wow, this is strange. I have been seeing threads about psychic powers all over all the forums I go to lately. And I have started to develop some powers recently as well.

Apparently I have a massive amount of psychic energy, because I can't seem to control it. At first it was sexual energy (lol) and I was turning on everyone I looked at or stood near. A few days ago however someone (who hates me) managed to alter something about this energy so now my thoughts are being broadcast to everyone.

Though I see it being a useful skill if I can control it (shyness is much less of a problem when you can communicate this way), it is extremely nervewracking and is making me paranoid. I can't stand near or look at anyone. And by stand near, I mean like within 30 feet. The worst part is that I don't feel like I have any privacy anymore, like I'm constantly performing.

And yes, it's definitely real, because people actually respond to my thoughts. Most people look around confused wondering where the voice is coming from, but some know that it's me. For example, one time I thought to myself, "That driver is an idiot," and he flipped me off.

For me this is concrete proof that psychic powers are real, and I could actually probably even prove it by taping peoples reactions (though I'm pretty sure that's illegal (not to mention it could easily be staged anyway)).


Also, another reason I know they can hear me is because in my classes people are very distracted and sometimes repeat what I say. One time I thought of a Mitch Hedberg joke and people started to laugh.

And of course there are the times when I think, "Can you hear my thoughts?" and the person responds with "Yes."

Oh and by the way, I'm an atheist and until now have never believed in anything paranormal. It's definitely real.


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12 May 2007, 11:59 am

well im bumping this thread up.
i did have high expectations, but at least i still have some hope left.
Anyone with slight psychic powers feel free to post here.
obviously we do not want predictions of events which have already happened...


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12 May 2007, 1:33 pm

0_equals_true wrote:
jonathan79 wrote:
Yes, I am an atheist. No, I don´t believe in miracles, psychics (this would eliminate free will), fate, destiny (these too would eliminate the possibility of free will), or the like. So, take from this what you want. But, you have already stated that you will ignore all the skeptics. You have convinced yourself that anyone who doesn´t agree that you have psychic ablitites is childish and immature. This is the perfect example of the confirmation bias at work. You can never be disproven if you ignore everything that doesn´t confirm your psychic abilities.

I'm an atheist and rationalist to but I'm not sure what you’re on about with free will. Free will only happens in a relative sense (minds eye). There is no such thing as true free will. Everything is subject to influence. Thus are the forces of nature. In fact I believe it would impossible to make judgments without a history of influence. Free will is anti-nature.

There is free will (at least I believe in it), you just have to untangle it from our assumptions about the concepts of certain words. Everything has a cause, but this doesn´t mean that we are unfree. This is a debate that will take pages, but if you are really interested, read Daniel Dennets book called "freedom evolves". He clarifies this is only a couple of hundred pages. :D But, I wasn´t speaking about free will from what comes before it, I was speaking as if something comes "ahead" of it. ... 76f#199315

A post I wrote a while back on discussing how we have no choices if the future is has been determined. And, this is what would be necessary for someone to predict the future. If there are psychics, then there is no point to life. Everything has been decided already, and we are merely "re-enacting" this play with the dellusion that we are going through it for the first time.

Only a miracle can save me; too bad I don't believe in miracles.


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12 May 2007, 2:12 pm

I dont agree with you.
One theory says we havent lived it before,but we have planned it.
And then not everything either,only the big things that happen..
Thats what some say about deja vu also...thats its a reminder that we are on the right track.
I dont know if I believe in that,but its a theory I read about and it doesnt really rule out choice.
Also,speaking of choice,if we made these"choices"( the big happenings) before coming here,then we did have a choice afterall.