kraftiekortie wrote:
I feel Outrider really needs a mentor who is slightly older than him (perhaps 25?)--sort of like a "big brother" type.
They can hang out together. The older guy can teach him "the ropes" gently, and not act like an ass about it. Teach him to drive, even. Starting with malls.
Outrider can benefit the "big brother" by sharing his knowledge and his music.
Yes, that's true.
I've never had a father figure, Dad was never there for me even before my parents separated.
I do not like my step-dad and want nothing to do with him. He would probably lack patience with me.
I am the eldest child, so I have no older sibling to guide me.
Most of my uncle's have disabilities themselves and still live at home at age 30 and lack basic life skills such as doing their own laundry, etc. or are too lazy and get my grandmother to do it.
If they're too lazy to take care of themselves, I doubt I could learn much from them.
The only person I really can learn basic life skills from is Mum, but she has 3 other children to care for, along with the fact she does most of the work around the house including my Uncle's laundry (he's sleeping on our couch and paying).
Also, Mum is a high school dropout, she doesn't have any first-hand experience of university, let alone the 11th/12th grade, which I attended of course because I graduated high school.
My Dad is one of the few family members who's actually gone, but he'd have no useful advice because all he did was attend a few weeks, spent all his time partying, then dropped out.
Aside from reading about experiences of Australian university on the internet, I have no one to turn to about this.
I have no one to turn to about many things and life skills.
Mum can only do so much to offer support, get me in touch with disability services and teach me the basics like cooking, laundry, cleaning, etc.
There's many things I've learnt on my own.