League_Girl wrote:
Lunella wrote:
The article was kind of cringeworthy tbh. She over exaggerates. I bet half of her relationships weren't even that bad.
She reminds me of those Buzzfeed people who act like something is waaay worse than it actually is.
But no, womens standards are no where near that high unless they're fussy like this woman clearly is. She was right on a few of the types of men you'll bump into as a woman, like as an example the man baby/mamas boy she was sort of accurate with but like exaggerated a little. Sometimes that isn't even a bad thing depending on the circumstances, but ofc if their mother is interfering in every aspect then it's a bit weird. She gives no detailed context in how they were bad to her because half of these guys could be on different levels of the groups she's put them into.
I think she was too brief in some of the points she made. If she'd have gone into proper detail of the men she had to deal with then it would make a lot more sense I think because she is generalizing a lot and teaching other women to do the same which is pretty horrible really.
I am not sure what her experience was wit those type of guys but I have noticed that people will make ridiculous standards when they have had a bad experience with someone who had that characteristic. Like someone didn't want to date anyone who is a musician because her ex was one and he would keep her up at night with his music and do it all the time and it would give her a headache and he would go "if you accept me and really care about my hobby, you will let me do it." I told her that was just an as*hole and nothing to do with being a musician and even other musicians chimed in trying to reassure her not all of them are that way and they rent a spot to practice their hobby so they are not disturbing anyone. I have seen people say how they will never date a gamer just because someone they were with only wanted to play games and ignored them and never did anything else so other people were telling her that was just a gaming addict.
Mine was I didn't want to date anyone who is always playing on their computer and doesn't have a job and doesn't drive because of my bad experience with one of my ex's but then I met my husband and changed my mind.
So they basically put people into categories or like labels of gamer/musician/whatever and then put a big naive stamp on it saying bad and then never bother with other people of those labels despite the fact they are completely different people? haha
I agree with you though, it seems to be the case with this girl that wrote the article.
The term Aspergers is no longer officially used in the UK - it is now regarded as High Functioning Autism.