IsabellaLinton wrote:
colossalfailure wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:
colossalfailure wrote:
only if they are good looking. The harsh truth is that most guys dont cut it in the looks department so women dont even bother
ummmm .... not in my experience. The guys I'm crazy about and would love to ask on dates are appealing because I love their personality and their character. We have things in common and things to talk about. They're nice people and I trust them not to hurt me. It has nothing to do with how they look. I could date if I were blind, based on personality. You have to be careful saying
"only if they are good looking". Most women aren't that shallow.
This has nothing to do with women being shallow, you're the one whos bribing that up...
Good looking people are often perceived as having better personalities, being more trustworthy, funnier and nicer yeah, maybe you're confusing them being nice and having good personalities for them just being good looking and subconsciously having this effect on you?
These are just observable realities btw, tell me if you want me to dump a few links
There are men on WP whom I'd date, but I've never seen their face at all. I'm not even curious to see what they look like. Looks are just one piece of a puzzle when two people meet. I'm sure you're right that some women care or put more emphasis on it, my only point was to tell you it's not "all women".
Chances are you are just idealizing those guys, I could point you to a video where people are put in a dark room where they couldnt see each others faces to date and after falling in love with their dates personality and "clicking" their faces are revealed and most of the time their attraction is suddenly gone because the idealized picture of that nice person that they have in their heads doesnt match the reality
The thing is, its really unhelpful to think in terms of "not all this or that". Take driving for example, there are individuals who cannot control their lower extremities and thus cannot use the gas/brake pedals to drive, so should we stop making cars with pedals for acceleration/braking because "not all people can use them"? No. The vast majority of people can drive a regular car, therefore if some sort of special accommodation has to be made for a particular person it can be done on an individual basis. Remember that "not everyone is poor", but the vast majority of people dont have enough money to throw around.
What Im trying to say is that its really unhelpful to think in terms of outliers when the norm is so well established