kraftiekortie wrote:
Just try to talk to her about finding a book or something.
Don’t go further than that until you’ve had a decent conversation.
It’s very rare, contrary to what is supposed, for someone to claim “sexual harassment” just for talking to someone. Now, if you grab her by the butt, that’s a different story.
You could casually ask for her help in finding a book, then say how you enjoy reading that genre. Mention other books and maybe other genres you like. If she doesn't pick up on the books or genres you like and says she likes one of them too (and continue the conversation from there), then ask her what books or genres she enjoys. I wouldn't say "or" though like I said, otherwise it might sound uneasy. Just go with the topic you think best fits.
Thanks for the details btw, it helps a lot.
I've left WP.