kraftiekortie wrote:
I meant your mind, mostly, when I said “equipment.”
Ahhh, thanks. I thought that was what you meant, but wanted to be sure.
kraftiekortie wrote:
What’s wrong with your appearance? You look like a man who’s into muscle cars—nothing wrong with that. Or like some guy from ZZ Top. Nothing wrong with that, either. A “normal” sort of guy from many parts of the USA.
I have a lazy eye, not the best facial features, my hair is already thinning and my hairline has started to recede in the past couple of years so I'll probably be bald before I'm 30, poor posture and loose skin from weight loss.
Not to say that there's absolutely nothing nice about my appearance, but judging by the fact that women seldom seem to find me attractive, the feedback I get on my appearance is mostly negative and I've been singled out as a virgin without ever mentioning anything about sex or relationships more times in real life than women have signalled that they find me attractive in real life leads me to believe that I'm not doing particularly well in the looks department.
kraftiekortie wrote:
I understand why you dropped out from university—but I wish you would have graduated.
The truth of the matter is it wasn't the right course for me. I wish I'd had a greater understanding of my strengths and propensities in high school. That way, I would have been able to get a greater amount of assistance from the school career guidance counsellor in finding the right fit for me employment-wise. I'm still lost on that front, and I wonder how different my life would be if I'd been able to make the right choices after high school and get my career path figured out early, as opposed to still being pretty clueless now.