theprisoner wrote:
The well-publicized western rise in obesity and declining standards in bodily beauty...could their be connection?....mmmmmhhhh
There seems to be a rise in both extreme ends of the beauty spectrum. The media here markets the image that women need to be super thin in order to be attractive & guys need to be very muscular in order to be attractive. There's LOTS of advertisements for things related to weight loss & increasing physical fitness. There's also LOTS of ads marketing other aspects of beauty standards like male-pattern baldness treatment, facial & body hair removal products, acne treatment, botox injections, anti-wrinkle cream, ect ect. Lots of female models & celebrities are very thin. In Hollywood & the fashion industry the thinner an actress or model is, the more jobs she can get. Also lots of female celebrities have breast implants. The beauty standards being marketed are very superficial & unnatural & potentially unhealthy for lots of people. They cause lots of people, especially women to feel self-conscious & insecure. However there are also LOTS of ads for things related to unhealthy food like fast food, junk food, pizza, & sugary snacks. Plenty of people feel they could never live up to the beauty standards that the media markets & they become very discouraged & give up trying. They see & hear the various ads for unhealthy food & they become an emotional eater which is a vicious cycle. They eat to feel better about feeling unattractive & they gain weight & eat even more because they feel even worse about themselves.
Do guys really like really thin women though? It feels like being with a boney skeleton in bed when it comes to these thin women that the media likes. Do guys really like that feeling?