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09 Sep 2007, 1:31 pm

Well, I had a nice encounter with a new neighbor yesterday. She's my age, and hot. She was wearing camoflauge shorts, and walking her dog over to her SUV. I had just parked my BMW, and opened the door to get out. She had loaded her dog into her SUV, and was casually waiting for me to get out of my car. I stood up -- way up -- taller than her (which I wouldn't have been without the new shoes), and she smiled and said "Hello" quite pleasantly. I gave a quick but cordial "Hey", and walked past her into my apartment.

"Hmmm", I thought, "I could get used to this." 8)


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09 Sep 2007, 3:37 pm

Of course, you don't want to do her.


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09 Sep 2007, 4:43 pm

There's a lot of pretty petite girls with great bodies ...yet they can't be models nor to join beauty contests as Miss world and so on

You have a point about short women and modelling and/or pagents....

It's funny that now plus-sized models are becoming more widely accepted...but they would have to be close to 6 feet tall. A short model is practicly unheard of....a short plus-sized model is probably non-existant.


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09 Sep 2007, 5:12 pm

I'm sort of glad petite girls don't join modelling agencies. I like petite girls and dislike fashion/pageant models.

I like medium height and tall also.


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10 Sep 2007, 12:48 am

^^ I hate fashion too but that doesn't mean that there's no discrimination based on height against short girls in modeling agencies . I am sure that there's tons of girls who were refused because of few inches .

Last edited by LePetitPrince on 10 Sep 2007, 12:53 am, edited 1 time in total.


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10 Sep 2007, 12:51 am

calandale wrote:
LePetitPrince wrote:

Even worse , there's even a required height in US Airforce and the candidate should at least be 162 cm . Why height should matter for pilots as long they drive the same planes ????

Feet have to reach the pedals?

Still, seems like size is a disadvantage to pilots.

Oh come on! I am talking about the normally short people and not about people who have special condition like dwarfism . A 5'1'' guy can surely reach the pedals in a small fighter plane and can surely be a good officer too . Napoleon was short you know ...well this is what they say anyways .


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10 Sep 2007, 1:02 am

LePetitPrince wrote:
Oh come on! I am talking about the normally short people and not about people who have special condition like dwarfism . A 5'1'' guy can surely reach the pedals in a small fighter plane and can surely be a good officer too . Napoleon was short you know ...well this is what they say anyways .

The planes are probably designed for a particular
size. Anything far off that size, would be a bit
of a stretch (pun intended).

Napoleon didn't fly fighter planes.
As to an officer, I suspect THAT is
just a matter of codifying the heightism.
Just as whites wouldn't serve under a black
man, in the US army. It's sad. But, there is
reason why the army wouldn't want to try
and defeat this prejudice. And, it's not something
which is likely to change.


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10 Sep 2007, 2:55 am

Ragtime wrote:
BTW Space, your avatar is part of what motivated me into working out.

Good stuff. :D Getting into shape really improves your life, and most people with AS can keep a good routine going, so I'm sure you will be very successful!


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10 Sep 2007, 10:06 am

calandale wrote:
LePetitPrince wrote:
Oh come on! I am talking about the normally short people and not about people who have special condition like dwarfism . A 5'1'' guy can surely reach the pedals in a small fighter plane and can surely be a good officer too . Napoleon was short you know ...well this is what they say anyways .

The planes are probably designed for a particular
size. Anything far off that size, would be a bit
of a stretch (pun intended).

Napoleon didn't fly fighter planes.
As to an officer, I suspect THAT is
just a matter of codifying the heightism.
Just as whites wouldn't serve under a black
man, in the US army. It's sad. But, there is
reason why the army wouldn't want to try
and defeat this prejudice. And, it's not something
which is likely to change.

i doubt if there are even pedals in planes .

Anyways , are you saying that short men can't be officers because soldiers would refuse to take orders from a short man? This is a BS excuse.


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10 Sep 2007, 3:50 pm

LePetitPrince wrote:

Anyways , are you saying that short men can't be officers because soldiers would refuse to take orders from a short man? This is a BS excuse.

Pretty much. Look, I agree with you.
But, I'm telling you what the army sees.

It happens all over the private sector, we
don't have many short CEOs or politicians.
It's a definite social hindrance. Hell, most
of these positions are taken by people somewhat
above average in height (though not extreme).

I don't know what can be done about it.
I mean, even the media made some effort,
with Michael J. Fox in political roles. Still, there's
this immediate perception. I feel it. Someone taller
than I am is intimidating - especially if they are well
proportioned; worse, I feel a tiny bit of disdain (almost)
for anyone shorter, by much. This is not something that
I have control over. I try and act reasonably, but I KNOW
that it's there - and ugly.


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10 Sep 2007, 4:44 pm

LePetitPrince wrote:
^^ I hate fashion too but that doesn't mean that there's no discrimination based on height against short girls in modeling agencies . I am sure that there's tons of girls who were refused because of few inches .

Pretty much fashion is all image. It is far and away the most materialistic exploitative industry. Naturally they will be very specific about what they want and they would hesitate to drop someone the moment things change.


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10 Sep 2007, 4:50 pm

i remember some women from my club saying that they prefered their bf to be taller than them and i asked why.

they thought about it and after maybe 10-15 minutes of discussion, this is what was agreed:

they all said that they wanted a partner that they percieved they looked good with as a couple. so similar build but a little bigger in stature. they said that having a partner slightly taller made them feel more feminine. i know guys who say that a woman much larger than them made them feel slightly intimidated. so one is a social image thing and the other kind of sexual.

i guess i like guys to have a similar build to me, but i don't think height makes a difference.


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10 Sep 2007, 4:59 pm

calandale wrote:

It happens all over the private sector, we
don't have many short CEOs or politicians.
It's a definite social hindrance. Hell, most
of these positions are taken by people somewhat
above average in height (though not extreme).

I don't know what can be done about it.
I mean, even the media made some effort,
with Michael J. Fox in political roles. Still, there's
this immediate perception. I feel it. Someone taller
than I am is intimidating - especially if they are well
proportioned; worse, I feel a tiny bit of disdain (almost)
for anyone shorter, by much. This is not something that
I have control over. I try and act reasonably, but I KNOW
that it's there - and ugly.

That's exactly what it is. Occassionally, I've seen men as short as or shorter than I am. My first reaction is pity, mainly because I know how society treats someone who's 5'7", and I can only pity anyone shorter because I know how society treats them.

But I'd still rather be on the short side of the normal range than on the tall side, because there's nothing anyone can do about being too tall, short of going around in a wheelchair. But at least a short person can wear tall shoes, and in situations where it's convenient to be short again, take the shoes off and wear normal ones. So, at least short people have an adjustable height.

And GoatOnFire really made me think, because I always thought girls went after tall guys no matter HOW tall they were, in the same way that many men will go after a woman no matter HOW huge her breasts are. Turns out neither is really the case, even though it may seem like it. Being tall has undeniable, exclusive advantages, just as being short, or being regular height.

Last edited by Ragtime on 11 Sep 2007, 8:34 am, edited 1 time in total.


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10 Sep 2007, 5:58 pm

Im average height for a Mexican (5'7"), so when I'm in Mexico everyone is either the same height, or shorter. There are tall people, of course, but they are not as common. Indians are incredibly short, as are older people.

When I'm in the United States, suddenly everyone is taller then me. Talk about differences though the distances are not even that huge.

I wouldn't say everyone who is short is not as intimidating. Ive met some pretty intimidating people who were shorter then me, granted they were all somewhat built and had reputations.

Last edited by Kalister1 on 11 Sep 2007, 2:56 am, edited 1 time in total.


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10 Sep 2007, 6:21 pm

Kalister1 wrote:

I wouldn't say everyone who is short is not as intimidating. Ive met some pretty intimidating people who were shorter then me, granted they were all somewhat built and had reputations.

Sure. I know that some people are
scared s**tless of me, because I'm
a crazy bastard, and it's pretty damned

I meant, all other things being equal.

Like, my department chair is a short man,
but his power is enough that I walk on eggshells
around him. So, it doesn't even have to be
physical intimidation.


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10 Sep 2007, 7:37 pm

Yeah, I guess if they were 7 feet tall I'd probably be more intimidated.

Or if they had a gun..

Or or or..