I am the XX year old virgin. Add your name to the list.

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16 Sep 2007, 8:16 pm

A mail order bride could be good. I would research it extensively before doing anything, I am sure there's a lot of scams out there...

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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16 Sep 2007, 8:23 pm

I even talked about it to my psychologist for possible future plans and she didn't see anything wrong with it. Just as little as a hundred years ago arranged marriages were common. Couples learned to love each other instead of just falling in love like we do today. There are a lot of scams out there, but there are plenty of legitimate services too. Considering that I am rarely in a position to meet women or expand my social circle it will most likely be one of my few options. As long as I have the option I will take it.


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16 Sep 2007, 8:25 pm

A hundred years ago, men were
able to dominate such marriages
through the legal conventions of
the time. So, yeah, everything was
peachy keen. The guy could rape
his wife whenever he wanted, and
she had no recourse.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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16 Sep 2007, 8:32 pm

I can see this discussion will end pretty nasty. We can defend/attack each side. I can see you will do nothing but attack every post as I would defend every other...so I'm just going to stop my posts in the this thread now. No one is going to win a debate like this.


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16 Sep 2007, 8:36 pm

It would only get nasty, if one of us loses
our cool. I shall not. I'm just thinking that
in a modern country, you might well end up
with someone who you are unhappy with, or
who is unhappy with you. The historical precedents
don't really matter, because in countries and times
when arranged marriages really work, usually the
women have no rights. I certainly wasn't implying
that you desired to have someone to rape - merely
that the realities now are different, in Western Society.


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16 Sep 2007, 11:07 pm

I was a virgin up til the age of 23. Then when I lost it, I kinda went off the deep end and slept w/ a lot of women from then and over the next couple years. Now, I'm 26 and have pretty much gone back to the way I was at 23 paying little mind to sex at all.

It reminded me of how I slowly isolated from people to begin with early in life. I tell u, once an aspie, always an aspie, and no amount of doing what NTs do will change that. I don't regret losing my virginity. It helped me neutralize the mystery of sex, and become more confident in my ability to get it. However, I'm back where I started in most ways.


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16 Sep 2007, 11:22 pm

losing your virginity seems like smoking crack sometimes.
It's great at first but then you know what you're missing when you're missing it.

Of course I did'nt become half crazed with an intrest in crack the first time I sprouted a pubic hair.


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16 Sep 2007, 11:33 pm

Yeah. I'm addicted to losing my

I do it all the time. :roll:


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17 Sep 2007, 12:55 am

Like another I lost mine at 23 to the woman that became my wife. She is 20 years older than me and we have been married for 7 years, but unfortunately, she has moved back to her country. There was just too many things differing between us, besides just age and being from two different countries. She is an odd kind of Christian that also believes in reincarnation and I'm an atheist. She is a very emotional person and I'm just not. I like porn still and she abhors it. Then there is the differences that come with the difference of age. Either way, we still love each other, but we are not together anymore. We didn't get divorced, because she couldn't take it. I don't know what to say anymore. I feel emotion. I want to go to Brazil to get her back and still am working on what to do in that direction, but don't want to hurt her again. I'm just not sure anymore...

Oh, we are talking about virginity. Well, since I haven't slept with anyone since about a year before we separated, I'm heading back into the same fold. The problem is that before I didn't really feel like I wanted to really be with a woman. Before I could just masturbate and go back to what I was doing. Now, I think I miss someone being there or something. I hated that she wanted me to tell her everything, but I liked discussing with her about things. I liked teaching her English. I liked her presence and her personality and the way she seemed to get along with everyone. Toward the end we fought with each other, not discussions, but real verbal arguing. I don't even know how... Well, either way, I don't know where to go from here. I'm just going to try to work... Oh crap... I was supposed to go home long ago and get sleep... Tchao...

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17 Sep 2007, 2:38 am

calandale wrote:
Yeah. I'm addicted to losing my

I do it all the time. :roll:

It grows back you know! :wink:


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17 Sep 2007, 2:48 am

Something like that.

Sure feels that way.


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17 Sep 2007, 8:01 pm

Todd489 wrote:
DataSage wrote:
I can't even remember when I was a virgin. 8)

The fact that your avatar suggests you like SomethingAwful completely falsifies your statement.

Not all goons are neckbeards, you twit.


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18 Sep 2007, 11:35 am

22 years old and I still haven't lost it yet. I'm in no hurry either. Maybe some day but right now I really could care less.


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18 Sep 2007, 12:15 pm

I'm 25, still a virgin, and it doesn't bother me. I'm rather proud of it, actually, as it takes a lot of willpower in this day and age not to sleep with anyone with their legs splayed open and/or have an actual commitment before doing the deed, regardless of gender. As it is, I'm already very cautious and careful regarding casual friendships. For me to even lose my virginity to someone, they're going to have to jump a lot of hurdles and clear a lot of roadblocks (figuratively speaking) before I'll even remotely consider losing it to them.

I can already speak from experience and some research that I've done that if I ever am ready to settle down and be in a committed relationship that I'm not going to find what I'm looking for in America. The pervasive attitude toward sex and love in the U.S. isn't to my liking and I don't find it very attractive. I feel like the very word and definition of 'love' is passed around and spread carelessly a lot more than genital herpes, and I feel like love has lost its true meaning here in the States, maybe even in most post-industrial societies. Taking sociology courses really does put things into perspective for the most part, I think. Makes you think outside the box, look at all sides of a certain issue, then gives you a chance to decide on what you believe is right for you.

Yeah, I'm a bit of a traditionalist, but at least I ain't trying to shove my values down the throats of the unwilling like fundamentalist seem to like to do. Live and let live. Do what you want and how you wanna do it as long as you're not preaching to me or trying to convert me to your way of life.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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18 Sep 2007, 12:58 pm

22 year and counting. I hope to live alone quite happily on my own in a couple of years with my music and other interests. I'll never be happy, i'm just a sad person, a girlfriend looks like the way to become happy even i know that isn't true, i'll remain sad forever. I hope that i'm strong enough to keep my virginity till my death, but yeah, the human flesh is weak, we see that all day. If it depended solely on me, i wasn't a virgin anymore, but girls just don't like me, so actually my virginity is not something to be proud of in my case. And sex may be overrated, i dont like very much to be touched, so i guess sex will not be that enjoyable for me. Even if its fun, it may be addicting once you experienced it, and crave for more, which will be hard in my case unless i pay for it, but that is a waste of money for me. For now i want something to stop my bloody sexdrive (it really ennoys me that i have the inevitable urge to think at sex and masturbate). Maybe i'm brainwashed by modern society that emphatize sex so much, couscious and uncounscious your brain is being changed by everything you see, hear or read (even this is changing your brain, beware!).


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18 Sep 2007, 3:13 pm

All guys? Aspie girls don't have a problem then?