I'm still appalled at how a completely inane, utterly hollow holiday will be purposefully used by people to feed their emotional aches and pains when they could definitely see it for what it is and was -- completely hollow and inane. So I'm with Shig...
Shiggily wrote:
if it makes you feel better I am in a relationship and I am still anti-Valentines day.
it is just an excuse for girls to get presents. pretty much nothing else.
I'm actually having to extend my trip vising my out-of-country boyfriend because I popped a disc in my back. Such fortuitous luck that I will be thusly spending Valentine's with him. And yet I won't be. No one cares, neither of us have, and I'm not about to whether I'm single or not.
But it does bring back memories of when I was single, and I celebrated with my girl friends instead. I mean, if all it is is letting someone you know in on the fact that you give an ass about them, why shouldn't anyone count? Just because it used to be all about wolf's blood and rice being sloshed around to signify fertility back in the old days doesn't mean it can't be platonic, too, right?