ToadOfSteel wrote:
I guess I'm back to square one then... finding a place that women my age tend to go that I wouldn't mind going to (i.e. not clubs or bars)
I don't think clubs and bars would be any good, anyways -- I never went to those (I actually never went to a bar until I was married and like 24), and I don't think that most of the girls there are our type anyways.
We've had this discussion before -- our female counterparts are out there -- you just gotta think of where they might be, and where they would hang out, and how to talk to them.
I know my wife actually did used to like clubbing and dancing, but she doesn't want that from me (she doesn't want me around other women), and she's settled down now. Also, for her it was more cultural, and her trying to fit in.
Have you tried Craigslist, online dating, other interest groups? I don't really know much about you other than from this Romance forum. Do you have other hobbies besides Church? Let's not count Anime (too guy oriented), though related hobbies might also apply. Ever go to an art gallery? A library? Museums? Those are the places that have the kind of women I think I would really like -- smart, not into BS pop culture exclusively, open-minded.