Bigotry against involuntarily celibate men
My car is acting up. The brake pads have been shot for months, but I haven't had the money to get them changed. And my engine doesn't sound right and I don't even have a clue as to why. I bought this car in March for $2,500, which is the most I could afford. If I lose it I won't have a way to get to work or classes, and I do not have the money to buy another one.
The whole healthy diet thing to cleanse the gut and such would be great, except my diet is far too limited and too many foods overwhelm my sensitivities. I recently learned that the most recent DSM put in a diagnosis called Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), which seems somewhat common in autistic people. So as much as I’d like to have a healthy diet, it’s almost impossible because of these limitations.

Joined: 17 Feb 2013
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Mmhmm. Many nurses move here form abroad.
You still have time. You have at least another three decades of working time. May as well spend it doing what you want to, where you want to!
Hell no, I am too old to start over again lol.
False. We’re the same age and I started over last year And I have plans to start over again.
You did? What are you doing now?
I'm still in construction, but started an apprenticeship program.
Instead of carrying on as a general labourer working for a heritage house restoration & custom home builder for a just below average wage ($22/hr), I started an apprenticeship as a "Taper," aka "Drywall Finisher," for a significantly lower wage to start ($17.xx) - but significantly higher wage in the long run. ($33+ benefits = total package of $42.50/hr - at that skill level and speed, side jobs pay $50+/hr cash, sometimes double that.) I tape walls & ceilings, put on corner beads, coat everything a couple times with mud, sand it smooth & turn it over to the painters to change the colour.
But I intend on starting again - I'm working, saving, and investing so that I can go back to University and study sciences until someone lets me into medical school somewhere. Then I'll go do that, come back here and work.
Even in the short run I might make a change lol as I might have an opportunity to go travel to Vancouver Island in the Spring and work for ~6 months building film sets. If my cousin hooks me up with that job, it'd be long hours but pay better than anything I've ever done. Take home pay is over $2000.. a week. I was at a film industry "masquerade soiree," at my cousin's place and her friends and coworkers spent ~6 hours telling me about their cool jobs And telling me I need to come travel with them and work on this set next year. Apparently my cousin has serious pull and it's basically her decision whether she'd get me hired or not. I'm going to chat with her about it and make my case that I could bite my tongue and say nothing about the A-hole boss who mistreats others Big Time for that kind of money.. as it'd greatly accelerate my plans of going back to University. Plus I can go back to my apprenticeship any time, so it's not like I have to fully Quit.. just take a leave of absence for 6 months, stack cash, then go back to taping & part time studies. And if she won't, or can't, get me a job.. well, whatever, I'll just keep working away & take a little longer.
I do Not fear change when it's all in the right direction.



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Post a thread about it.. maybe include some video/audio of the engine sound. I bet someone here might be able to tell ya what the problem is.


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Explain "overwhelm my sensitivities."
There have never really been any foods I wouldn't eat/try. I've always had a varied diet. So I don't get this "can't eat things," thing. I eat way healthier now than I used to - although I was raised on healthy food. If it's healthy (for me) then I'll eat it, flavour/texture is somewhat irrelevant. I do make good tasting meals, but I'll also choke down something rather bad tasting if I know it's good for me.

When you have little or no interaction with people and online game 10+ hours per day. It is weird interacting with people when you are an extreme introvert when you are socially awkward, anxious, nervous, depressed and give off weird/creepy vibes due to being uncomfortable in social situations. Normal people are outgoing social butteries and extroverted they have no understand what it is like being an extreme introvert and they can not relate to us.

Joined: 17 Feb 2013
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Mmhmm. And then there's the third kind of person: Me.
I used to avoid people like the plague when my symptoms were bad. But I've been treating my symptoms for more than 5 years and interact with others just fine. It's been a long time since I felt like you describe - it seems like a lifetime ago - and now I'm losing my ability to relate to you. Although, I still prefer solitude quite often - I mean just look at how many evenings I'm posting on wp lol.

Explain "overwhelm my sensitivities."
There have never really been any foods I wouldn't eat/try. I've always had a varied diet. So I don't get this "can't eat things," thing. I eat way healthier now than I used to - although I was raised on healthy food. If it's healthy (for me) then I'll eat it, flavour/texture is somewhat irrelevant. I do make good tasting meals, but I'll also choke down something rather bad tasting if I know it's good for me.
Spicy foods, for example. My taste buds seem to by hypersensitive, so I can’t stand things that are spicy. Other flavors I think feel more intense to me than they do to NTs. Same with smells. I used to vomit by even looking at salad. It’s pretty bad.
Mmhmm. And then there's the third kind of person: Me.
I used to avoid people like the plague when my symptoms were bad. But I've been treating my symptoms for more than 5 years and interact with others just fine. It's been a long time since I felt like you describe - it seems like a lifetime ago - and now I'm losing my ability to relate to you. Although, I still prefer solitude quite often - I mean just look at how many evenings I'm posting on wp lol.
I'm like that. When I'm physically unwell, I find social interaction really difficult. I can't even think of things to say to make conversation flow and I end up monologing at people or just avoiding people.
When I'm well I can amaze myself with how social I am. It's like I'm 2 different people.
Why are you gaming 10+ hours per day?

Joined: 16 Jun 2010
Age: 42
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Somehow I was under the impression that you lived in Texas. Whatever state you do live in, does it contain even one city where not everyone is a fundamentalist Christian?
- Autistic in NYC - Resources and new ideas for the autistic adult community in the New York City metro area.
- Autistic peer-led groups (via text-based chat, currently) led or facilitated by members of the Autistic Peer Leadership Group.
Somehow I was under the impression that you lived in Texas. Whatever state you do live in, does it contain even one city where not everyone is a fundamentalist Christian?
Not everyone is. But everyone who isn't is happily married by this point.
Why are you gaming 10+ hours per day?
I game up to 10+ hours per day to take my mind off how bleak my life is and how I do not fit into society. It is hard to fit into society that does not the struggles that Autistic people face in life.
Half the Women here say women shouldn’t date loser men like me, so yes having high paid job would change a lot for most men like me.
If I was a doctor most those women would have dated me and odds are one would have been relationship.
Not getting any dates means no chance of relationship.
You don't know for sure that you'd be able to get a relationship with a high-paying job
Do you think your low income is the only reason women won't date you now?
Most those women who rejected me would haves dated me if not for my low paid job, odds are one would have gotten into a relationship as we had quite a bit in common and I met most of their other requirements.
Yes I do as they tell me it is.
They ask what I do for work then tell me sorry they need a man who works a real job
Most the Women on wp say the same thing they won’t date men who don’t have wel paid jobs and tell other women not to as well
What kind of job do you have again? How much do you earn?
If I recall correctly he works a part time min wage retail job.
Yes and as many women have pointed out that’s not a real job, they didn’t even know part time but just retail isn’t considered a real job.
Half the Women here say women shouldn’t date loser men like me, so yes having high paid job would change a lot for most men like me.
If I was a doctor most those women would have dated me and odds are one would have been relationship.
Not getting any dates means no chance of relationship.
You don't know for sure that you'd be able to get a relationship with a high-paying job
Do you think your low income is the only reason women won't date you now?
Most those women who rejected me would haves dated me if not for my low paid job, odds are one would have gotten into a relationship as we had quite a bit in common and I met most of their other requirements.
Yes I do as they tell me it is.
They ask what I do for work then tell me sorry they need a man who works a real job
Most the Women on wp say the same thing they won’t date men who don’t have wel paid jobs and tell other women not to as well
What kind of job do you have again? How much do you earn?
If I recall correctly he works a part time min wage retail job.
Yes and as many women have pointed out that’s not a real job, they didn’t even know part time but just retail isn’t considered a real job.
It's not a "real job" only by the standards of b_tches.
Honest work is honest work.
"If we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we may find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced."
-XFG (no longer a moderator)