MaxShock wrote:
I like smart, hilarious girls who aren't afraid to act silly in a large group, and have a good sense of honor and respect, and are kind and forgiving, but will show eyes full of fire if someone does something cruel to tick them off.
I also like girls who are musical, book worms, gamers, and like sci-fi/fantasy.
As for physical appearance, I prefer to have slim/healthy looking women who are at least 5 feet since I am very tall,
I'd just like to say.. I wish there were more men like you. Your description fits me almost perfectly. I'm sure there are more men like you but they are just so very hard to find. Sorry. I found this post while searching for random stuff across the site and I just had to say something. Also, I know this is about what men want and I am not a man so uh.. leaving this thread now.. heh.