The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Why Sweden didn't offer them a piece of land?
Sweden has unfortunately always been anti-Semitic; people here love Palestine and Muslims. People romanticize Palestine and like to wear Palestine shawls in support for Palestine. The media here is almost all leftwing and love to show an extremely pro Palestine picture.
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
The Armenians, whom the US and Israel still deny the genocide they faced.
And oh...what about the Palestinians? who lost their homes in overnight.
Many people have suffered horribly but I think that you understood my point. If you look back, the Jews were always blamed for everything, for poisoning water wells and spreading the black death during the Middle Ages, for murdering Jesus and so on. Think of the pogroms in Russia, the holocaust...
Jewish people are targeted all the time in Europe by Muslims, what the f**k do the Jewish people living in Europe have to do with Israel????
If you were persecuted for so long then yes I understand that they wanted their own country. If you don't understand that, then I think you are too stuck in hatred to understand a basic human need. I don’t agree with what has been done to the Palestinians, but the situation is what it is, there is no way out but peace.