Brianruns10 wrote:
For me, the gulf between want and need is immense. They are, for me, practically polar opposites. They are synonymous with free will and the lack thereof. Need is at the root of that which we cannot control, have no choice over: breathing, eating, etc. Well, we do have a choice not to breath or eat, but the alternative is so horrific to most that really does not represent a choice at all.
Want by contrast, is the root, the heart of free will. It has nothing to do survival and everything to do with our own individual desires and pleasures. It is all about choice.
I don't want someone who needs me, because I don't want someone dependent upon me, reliant upon me, so devoid of her own personality, goals or ambitions that she might forsake her own desires to remain with me. I have no time for a person who feels she must be with me because she has no choice, because she feels there is no one else for her.
I WANT a woman who WANTS me. A woman who is able to satisfy her own needs, who has her own ambition and drive and desires...physicial, mental, emotional. She is a person who could presumably have other suitors, and perhaps has, but after all that, she has CHOSEN to be with me, because I satisfy her desires, however important or capricious they may be.
Great post.
That's how I feel too. I would like someone who doesn't need me, but has
chosen me, because I did something to earn his attraction.
'You're so cold, but you feel alive
Lay your hands on me, one last time' (Breaking Benjamin)