meems wrote:
I let my dad, sister, and aunt who hates him watch it. I also plan on bringing it into therapy just to get an unbiased opinion, since all of those people hate my boyfriend though, I doubt they were enjoying saying it was obviously an accident. But there is audio as well which showed me a lot that I was unaware of because I tuned everything out the moment it happened and could hardly recall the subject of conversation when it happened.
First of all, try not to take all of the replies on here seriously. I'm sensing a "why are the girls staying with the jerks" attitude from some posts but that's a common attitude you will find throughout the Love and Dating Forum.
Second, relationships are NOT about what others think...
it's about what you think. If you overanalyze too much you will find yourself more thinking about how others are judging your relationships instead of focusing on who's important here and that is Y-O-U.
I was once in a similar relationship like yours with a boyfriend that NOBODY approved of. You know what eventually led me to dump him wasnt their constant hatred of was my disatisfaction and the stress I had with being with him. The people who hated him are unaware of how abusive and threatening he got with me but I consider that a good thing as it allowed me and me alone to make the choice of dumping him on my terms...even if it did took some time to do.
Another thing to remember: relationships are not about should be about happiness. If outside of the hitting incident, you are happy to be around this guy, then you are willing to work things out, right? However if the hitting incident is just a segment of the stress (you did say he was going into therapy right?) being placed upon you, then that is the time to think. If you have attempted to find a way out and it's only adding to the stress then...consider this: I dont know how long it was between the time you were with this guy and the time you were the other really abusive one. Perhaps you jumped back into relationships too soon? Trust is something that is difficult and long to get back again, I know that. Plus does he know what your pasts relationships were like? If he really wants to help you build that trust with him than he will. Otherwise, you should consider how much stress this is bringing about for you and whether or not it is worth dealing with for much longer.
It's all about whether or not you are truly happy to be with him.