nthach wrote:
Everytime I try to change myself, I fail and get my ass handed to me. I just can't do it. I think suicide is my best option. Everytime I seek professional help, they just write me a prescription for Prozac or Zoloft and wish me a nice day.
Suicidal thoughts and worsening depression are side effects of both of those prescriptions. Have you discussed this with your psychiatrist? Do you see a psychologist regularly for counseling sessions? Have you sought out a life coach, especially one that's experienced with men your age who experience Depression?
What's going here isn't healthy.
It doesn't seem that you're ready for any kind of relationship right now. You need to stabilize your condition and gain some self-sufficiency and confidence. You need to become a whole person before you seek to share your life with someone. Look at Grisha. He would like to have someone to share his life with, but he's also his own man. So stay off the subject of Love and Dating (both on this forum and in the world) and focus on bringing you back into good health.
Here's my suggestion, which is a lot easier than any dating advice anyone can hand out: Keep the idea of a girlfriend on the backburner for a year. Get yourself straightened up and feeling good with 2011. Give it a full 12 months. Think about
girls again in 2012. What do you think?
I hated to hear it when I was in your situation, but it was really good advice in retrospect. I was in therapy with issues very similar to yours continuously for almost 10 years. There's no way I would be as (relatively) high-functioning as I am without it.
Sure I still have a huge problem getting dates, but that's not a big deal in the larger scheme of things - do what you have to do to take care of yourself first.