hyperlexian wrote:
emuman100 wrote:
From my point of view, it seems like women pick and choose guys they want to talk to or pursue because of status or what their friends will think, or because they have power/money, etc.
this must be why men who are poor or who have low social status never get any women, and why a woman's friends have to always approve of who she dates.
except... it isn't true. *some* women are like that, just like *some* men are equally interested in a woman's social status/looks/money. that doesn't mean they are *all* like that.
If you replace "some" with "most" then I would agree with you. There are always exceptions that proves the rule. What I've noticed from most decent looking girls/women ( even some ugly ones) I've been around growing up is that they want a man that is handsome/in shape, interesting, charismatic, relatively wealthy, and/or popular/have high socially status. Confidence is another major quality, but that goes hand-in-hand with some of the things that I mentioned.
Society in general is responsible for how shallow and superficial the world is today. People are always trying to one-up other. With their pride and ego, they need to date someone "high quality" to show off to their friends and make other people jealous.
I was born with none of the qualities that I mentioned, so I'm pretty much f**** when it comes to dating and having friends in general.
considering the large number of people that don't have money, social status or good looks, i'd say it's not just these things that women look for. we would all be fighting after the same top 1% of men, and we aren't. just because they don't go for you doesn't mean they only like men of a certain type.