TheygoMew wrote:
Moog, I apologize for being offensive in your topic because I think you're a nice guy.
To the chase me guy, nope sorry, mind games aren't a great positive experience unless you are in fact a self serving person who just likes to mess with people's heads.
If you can't see how pick up artist tactics are abusive towards women then you probably share the same ideas on women that they do or you have been misled into believing no harm done by people who just want to make money off of you while encouraging you to hurt people....oops I mean women whom aren't really people and have no feelings.
While I do see that there is an element (quite pronounced, or perhaps the seedy side gets more limelight) in PUA that is harmful and disturbing and should be guarded against, I would not tar everyone who dabbles in those waters (or related waters) with the same brush.
I would certainly not take it out on poor Lightfiend here, who obviously found Chase's persepctives interesting enough to give webspace to. That doesn't make him a knife weilding woman abuser!
I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to understand the ins and outs of relationships, but I do think we should be careful that we don't support anything that's abusive or unethical. To some extent, we manipulate each other all day, every day, in ways; mostly unconsciously.
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