What if I never get to even get into bed with a man?

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24 Jun 2012, 9:27 pm

PTSmorrow wrote:
Celibacy even increases the life expectancy and at least protects your nerves.

Studies backing up that statement?


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24 Jun 2012, 9:43 pm

HisDivineMajesty wrote:
Enforcing a standard of masculinity upon men even makes sense - it means the men in your social group are capable of handling problems while more feminine men would completely fail to address specific issues and lose their comparative advantages associated with masculinity. You'd have two sets of female advantages and disadvantages, and no sets of male advantages to counter those.

Not necessarily. It may only mean that the more demonstrative guys are good at appearing as if they are good at handling problems. I've observed situations in which the guy who is 'banging his chest' the loudest is the guy who is the most afraid (and sometimes the most useless in a true emergency).

I forget the evolutionary term for that but there is one. I.e. some insects have evolved to look like other insects that are poisonous to predators. Deception is a part of evolution.


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24 Jun 2012, 10:30 pm

DogsWithoutHorses wrote:
I honestly believe and I admit this could be completely misinformed. That most men, have some standards. Some men are in the anything goes market but I don't believe if they were actually exposed to what it's like on the passive side (who comes onto you and how) they would still feel that way. When men are the actors they aren't really forced to notice the women they don't act on, whereas women are made to notice men they don't find attractive because if they like us, they ask for it. (I'm positing that men don't notice unattractive women in dating scenarios as women notice unattractive men and that this is a function of the passive/active roles)

I've had the unfortunate experience of being aggressively pursued, to the point of stalking (peeping through my window while I change and everything), by someone I found entirely unappealing. And it is f****d up. So don't think I don't sympathize with the discomfort, the all-around unpleasantness, of having to turn people down. Not to mention the fear that the person won't accept being rejected and go on their way.

But I could be wrong, if there are dudes wishing to get with women who are geriatric, morbidly obese, covered in moles, toothless, filthy and half-mad I'm sorry for doubting them (not being sarcastic, I legitimately have such a hard time accepting this premise that ik the things I say would hurt someone who truly feels that way.)

Point taken. But, to be fair, this is a bit of an exaggeration. Most of the time, when men are rejected by women, they are average-looking, try to be age-appropriate, and behave reasonably.

Not that anyone should have to partner with anyone they don't want to, or that people aren't entitled to use any criteria they please when choosing whose advances to accept and whose to reject.

But, what criteria any given person may have is near impossible to predict. And a lot of men feel, and I don't think this is unreasonable, that they are the ones who constantly have to put themselves to the test. They find this unfair. And I think it is to be expected that those who consistently fail at that test will become bitter and resentful.

I believe that, especially on this board, a lot of this bitterness is misdirected. Taken out on entirely the wrong people. But the emotion itself is easy to understand and sympathize with.

Some men would give anything to be hit on, I'd give anything to not be hit on I don't think this makes either party a horrible person. Being hit on can be beneficial, but it's not inherently beneficial.
I understand why these guys have that point of view, I just don't think it's completely accurate and they don't think I'm completely accurate and essentially we're feeling different parts of the elephant.

With you on that. Some people from each gender find the current system to their advantage, some people from each gender find it to their disadvantage. We could argue all day about which has the more constricting, more difficult, gender role. And there'll never be a satisfactory resolution because nobody knows what it's like to be both genders. But we can agree that both sides are tired of the strict enforcement of those roles.

Pointless, all the finger pointing over which side has it easier under the old system, when what both sides seem to want is to be free of that system anyway.

As far as the car analogy. In my view it's more along the lines of I want a car, but can't afford one that runs or won't explode. Other people can't afford the non-functional or dangerous car and resent me for having the option to do something that would in the long run affect me negatively.
I don't think that resentment is entirely misplaced, it sucks when we don't have choices, even if they are bad choices.

I do happen to find the resentment misplaced. But I also find it all too easy to understand.

I'm sorry you're sick of hearing about the slut/stud dynamic because as other comenters have so helpfully mentioned it hurts men too. I didn't mean to imply I was blaming only half the population for a broad societal issue like that.
Passive, reluctant sexuality =feminine
Active enthusiastic sexuality =male
deviations are punished, this dynamic sucks

Men paying for dates exclusively, unfair financial burden on the man, unfair expectation of obligation on the woman, it's also a hold-over from when women didn't make money! it's time for it to die, I see why it annoys men, it annoys me too

Men expected to take all the risk in dating, women looked down on for taking risks, forced into passive role.
Men have to act, women have to be patient, sucks all the way around but the origins of these icky things aren't an intent to put men down.

Agreed, entirely.

But, even if you personally do not put all the blame on men for the situation being what it is, there are a lot of people who do. And a lot of us have become very sensitive about that. We're tired of being blamed for the faults of past generations.

Sometimes, maybe, we start seeing that blame where it isn't. But that doesn't mean it isn't out there.

I do agree with you that overall, it's difficult to get people to look at these issues complexly and from standpoints other then their own (it's also a plain old hard thing to do. So I appreciate you taking the time to translate some concepts that are very foreign to my lived experience to me.

On wrongplanet specifically though, would you say the male side of these issues is under or overplayed? To me, the conversation here often feels one sided numbers wise.

I see both sides venting pretty equally.

I think the male complaints seem to take up more space. But, at the same time, I see a lot of comments from women, about men, that slide under the radar. Comments that, were the genders reversed, would have half of WP howling for the evil misogynist's blood.

If life's not beautiful without the pain, 
well I'd just rather never ever even see beauty again. 
Well as life gets longer, awful feels softer. 
And it feels pretty soft to me. 

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24 Jun 2012, 11:35 pm

Apple_in_my_Eye wrote:
HisDivineMajesty wrote:
Enforcing a standard of masculinity upon men even makes sense - it means the men in your social group are capable of handling problems while more feminine men would completely fail to address specific issues and lose their comparative advantages associated with masculinity. You'd have two sets of female advantages and disadvantages, and no sets of male advantages to counter those.

Not necessarily. It may only mean that the more demonstrative guys are good at appearing as if they are good at handling problems. I've observed situations in which the guy who is 'banging his chest' the loudest is the guy who is the most afraid (and sometimes the most useless in a true emergency).

Could this be due to evolution? Mammoth attacks may have been a biggest problem early humans faced, this made women believe that strongest man or the best mammoth fighter is the best problem solver. Usually it's easier to imitate this specific look than to actually be strong though. If problem solving skills were actually attractive it would make much more sense to join a local hacker space than a gym anyway. In my opinion there's a lot of unnecessary irrationality coming from both sides here.
Apple_in_my_Eye wrote:
I forget the evolutionary term for that but there is one. I.e. some insects have evolved to look like other insects that are poisonous to predators. Deception is a part of evolution.

It's interesting that one species of butterflies imitate several other distinct poisonous species, but they never end up mixing the looks. It's always the exact copy of one of the poisonous butterflies.


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24 Jun 2012, 11:55 pm

Flyer wrote:
Apple_in_my_Eye wrote:
HisDivineMajesty wrote:
Enforcing a standard of masculinity upon men even makes sense - it means the men in your social group are capable of handling problems while more feminine men would completely fail to address specific issues and lose their comparative advantages associated with masculinity. You'd have two sets of female advantages and disadvantages, and no sets of male advantages to counter those.

Not necessarily. It may only mean that the more demonstrative guys are good at appearing as if they are good at handling problems. I've observed situations in which the guy who is 'banging his chest' the loudest is the guy who is the most afraid (and sometimes the most useless in a true emergency).

Could this be due to evolution? Mammoth attacks may have been a biggest problem early humans faced, this made women believe that strongest man or the best mammoth fighter is the best problem solver. Usually it's easier to imitate this specific look than to actually be strong though. If problem solving skills were actually attractive it would make much more sense to join a local hacker space than a gym anyway. In my opinion there's a lot of unnecessary irrationality coming from both sides here.
Apple_in_my_Eye wrote:
I forget the evolutionary term for that but there is one. I.e. some insects have evolved to look like other insects that are poisonous to predators. Deception is a part of evolution.

It's interesting that one species of butterflies imitate several other distinct poisonous species, but they never end up mixing the looks. It's always the exact copy of one of the poisonous butterflies.

It's more because people cobble together narratives based on some things we know, and some things we assume about the distant past of our species to justify 1950's gender roles than because of anything to do with mammoths.

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25 Jun 2012, 1:15 am

Joe90 wrote:
I know I shouldn't worry about this, but i keep imagining me being, like, 80 and still a virgin. When you've lived a whole life without even getting into bed with a man, it makes you think that something must be wrong, especially if you are reasonably attractive, have socially improved, and can generally relate to other people and not that bad at making friends (I only have a mild case of AS). I always worry about my friends (the ones that are my age) and my cousins will all be having sex and dating before me. One of my friends has Asperger's and she hasn't had a boyfriend before but what if she suddenly announces she's seeing someone and ends up in his bed and fallen in love? What if my other friend, who is more Autistic than me, happens to meet someone before me? My friend who has Fragile-X Syndrome has had sex before and she's 3 years younger than me (her condition makes her socially awkward).

Sex is part of nature, in any living thing, and I feel really strange if I have never had it by the time I'm an old lady. It's like a bee what has never made honey before, or a spider that has never built a cobweb, or a catepillar that has never turned into a butterfly when it should have done and is still a catepillar when all of it's friends have turned into butterflies days ago, or a bird that has never flown before but has wings. It just feels so odd. I guess I can't complain because I have had men fancying me but one is already married and so we both know we can't date, one is single but is years older than me and seems reluctant to date me, and one is more younger but is nowhere near my type at all and even just the thought of getting into bed with him makes me want to be sick. I dated a boy before who I didn't fancy, and I ended up feeling so depressed and also rather trapped because he kept on texting me all these sweet messages and I didn't know what do put back because I really didn't fancy him, and then when I finished with him I felt much relieved after that and felt free again, even though I didn't even live with him or anything.

What to do?

Stop worrying, particularly about what other people are doing. You're only 22 and you have multiple interests now, you will almost certainly have others interested later. Sooner or later one of them will be sufficiently acceptable to you.

Also I can't tell if you want a relationship or just to be relieved of the stigma of virginity. You could do the latter without doing the former. Either way you need to be clear with yourself about exactly and realistically what it is that you want, at this time. I think it's very important to have a reasonable idea of what you want before getting involved with anyone.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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25 Jun 2012, 7:35 am

I was terrified about the prospect of losing my virginity. I imagined I would find my true love and when the time came, I would act weird during it, not know what to do, ruin the whole thing and lose my true love because of it. I had never kissed a guy and was worried about that too. I'm sure NT's go through the same feelings but whereas they are simply nervous about it I was truly terrified. So I took matters into my own hands. I decided to find a guy with whom I had no emotional attachment and set up a "teaching" session. It had to be someone I trusted and was attracted to, so it took several months to find him. I told a few acquaintances of mine what I was planning, and they even set up a few "interviews" for me. Boy was I popular for a while. When I did find the perfect candidate, we set up a place to meet up. He taught me how to kiss, let me watch him put on the condom, and we had sex. No oral sex though, I thought that was yucky at the time and didn't want to know (I've since changed my mind about that haha). I enjoyed it, it was very exciting. After that night, as per our agreement, we never saw each other again.

I have mixed feelings about this experience. The upside is of course that I gained confidence with men. The downside is that I missed out on losing my virginity to someone I loved. I had also imagined this guy might fall in love with me and ask to forego our agreement to not see each other afterward but he never did, and that left me feeling empty for a while.

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25 Jun 2012, 8:48 am

sally7171 wrote:
I was terrified about the prospect of losing my virginity. I imagined I would find my true love and when the time came, I would act weird during it, not know what to do, ruin the whole thing and lose my true love because of it. I had never kissed a guy and was worried about that too. I'm sure NT's go through the same feelings but whereas they are simply nervous about it I was truly terrified. So I took matters into my own hands. I decided to find a guy with whom I had no emotional attachment and set up a "teaching" session. It had to be someone I trusted and was attracted to, so it took several months to find him. I told a few acquaintances of mine what I was planning, and they even set up a few "interviews" for me. Boy was I popular for a while. When I did find the perfect candidate, we set up a place to meet up. He taught me how to kiss, let me watch him put on the condom, and we had sex. No oral sex though, I thought that was yucky at the time and didn't want to know (I've since changed my mind about that haha). I enjoyed it, it was very exciting. After that night, as per our agreement, we never saw each other again.

I have mixed feelings about this experience. The upside is of course that I gained confidence with men. The downside is that I missed out on losing my virginity to someone I loved. I had also imagined this guy might fall in love with me and ask to forego our agreement to not see each other afterward but he never did, and that left me feeling empty for a while.

Do not go to Craig's List!

I don't think men can do that, no one would help him in that and set up interviews for him, and i doubt any woman would accept to give a teaching session.

how old was you when you did that?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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25 Jun 2012, 9:11 am

I hope the op does lose her virginity asap really, that way she will realise that the world doesn't revolve around sex, as much as nts society tells everyone it does. Sex is overrated, especially with someone that you have no feelings for, personally i find that without love sex simply isn't worth the effort, if i slept with a girl and i wasn't in love with her i wouldn't be able to get away from her quick enough after. All that effort for a few moments and then you have to extricate yourself from the situation so you can get home and sleep in your own bed, no thanks. I'd be a lot more interested in finding someone to love. Just get the virginity thing out of the way first and i think you'll feel a lot more comfortable sitting and waiting for the right person to come along.

btw, 22 is how many years past being sexually mature? You've not gone without it for 22 years, you've gone without it for how long really, a handful of years? I've only had sex once in the last ten years. After you lose that initial wondering what it's like i think you'll find it's an issue that becomes a lot easier to disregard.


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26 Jun 2012, 11:15 am

Wrong thread? :Lol:

Last edited by JanuaryMan on 26 Jun 2012, 11:16 am, edited 1 time in total.


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26 Jun 2012, 8:52 pm

post deleted

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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27 Jun 2012, 6:50 pm

Well, I plan on dying a virgin, So don't feel bad.

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27 Jun 2012, 9:29 pm

Tequila wrote:
noname_ever wrote:
If you are female, go to a place where the alcohol is flowing, find some guy who is alone, and mention being horny. It make take a few tries, but you can usually get laid by the end of the night. And then the whole virginity problem is solved once and for all.

That sounds horrible and squalid. I wouldn't want to lose my virginity like that and I can't really see any woman with a half-decent brain wanting to lose their virginity like that either. It sounds soulless and depressing, to be honest. Not for me.

First, the whole virginity problem is solved, wether that is "soulless and depressing", it is true.
Second, stop worrying becoming an 80 year old virgin, then.

I mean, if the thought is so worrysome then, at least give it a thought, which is a better scenario? 80 year old virgin or losing the virginity like that.

And frankly, the "first time has to be special" crap is just crap, which seems to add to the whole virginity problem.