No bro, it isn't. And i don't want to be a**** but seriously this is like the eleventh thread you've complained in.
F*cking grow a pair. Seriously, man up. You need to have a spine, NO ONE respects a door mat, and you'll NEVER get a relationship without respect. Realize that YOU are in control of your own destiny and women don't OWE you s**t, not a relationship, a bj, love, respect, sympathy, NONE of it.
You gotta EARN it. EARN it by realising that you don't NEED to have a chick to validate your existance, realize that people try to help you all the time, but your LAZY ass ALWAYS blames society instead of taking initiative and making yourself more attractive the opposite sex. ADAPT! Don't cry about women not wanting you, find out what they want and use that to make yourself more attractive.
If you dig dogs? Volunteer at a shelter. Line dancing, learn a language, be a tutor for college kids, DAMN ANYTHING. Get involved in life, don't watch it from the back seat, maybe then a woman would want to be your co-pilot.
Oh, and Be a Man.”
that guy from Plentyoffish who said that to me, boy i would love to kick his ass really bad, harcore!! !