This seems to be a relation of a creature I've come across many times.
Cute (Not HOT, but cute, in shape) Girl goes to a place where Geeks tend to congregate, she isn't a "Fake Geek(TM)" she's the real thing.. and spends ALL her time telling the lonely sad nerdy guys how broke she is, and how she just needs a few $$ for lunch. So she then identifies her marks, and proceeds apace. Soon it's not lunch, but art supplies or movie tickets or concert tickets or supplies for cosplay. She's started talking to them online at this point, and may even be hinting at the fact that she's single. The money keeps flowing in, and the # of marks keeps dwindling as she begins asking for things which are outstripping more and more of their means. The online chats begin to get amped up, maybe she starts to spend *Some* time with them in real life, but it's always in beneficial (To her) locales, such as shopping malls or art supply stores. Still hinting she's single and perhaps looking for a boyfriend, maybe a casual reference to how hot and bothered she's been lately since it's beeeeeen soooooooo long since she had a boyfriend. By this point she's probably gotten her list of marks down to 1 or 2. and her comments are getting closer and closer to her having to actually either let them go, or actually commit to gasp.. following through on all those hints.. which she knows.. and intended... to get the marks' hopes up precisely so they'd keep giving her money. By this point a few of the Marks' probably had gotten impatient and simply asked her out, usually this happens about the time she starts talking about it having been so long since she had a good boyfriend. This of course is unacceptable, but she might play with it a few weeks (no dating) just to see if she can extract a few more $$$ out of the deal.. before accusing them of being "Creeps" and complaining about them to all the Other Marks'.. which in turn just encourages their aspirations more. But as I said, and this actively illustrates the looming collapse of her system, that it's soon going to be time to put up or shut up. So she makes sure all her marks, or most of them will be at one place.. Then she shows up at the next Convention, or next LARP, or her Art Show, and in tow is a tall, in shape, surfer dude or perhaps a jock looking guy.. and she kisses him right in front of her marks' faces (Since, she invited all the remaining ones, due to the fact that this was all "Part of the plan" ( to paraphrase the Joker)... and then cuts off contact with her marks' when they try to question her about it.. she then moves on to another organization, another larp, a different message board or comic book store.. and starts the process all over again. The point being that she's predating on the Nice Guys and the NiceGuys(TM) in equal measure. Because both those groups tend to have something in common, they are not particularly well experienced in forming relationships.. and she knows it and uses it to her advantage..
Sure, the guys are somewhat guilty since they are equating spending time with her, and spending money on her, as an obligation on her part to go out with them.. but at the same time.. she's also making sure they keep getting the idea that it MIGHT happen.. if they just fork over enough cash.
Just in my, relatively short life, I've come across no fewer than 4 of this sort of person.. and they all operate on exactly the same playbook... every bit as predictable as the so called "Niceguy (Tm)"... and I'd hazard a guess that MOST nerd/geek guys who spend any considerable amount of time at organized events have come across this person.