I think over all the world, or at least my little corner of it, is actually a better place than a few decades ago. We like to romanticize the past, believing it to be the happy loving world portrayed in Leave It To Beaver or The Waltons.
That's not the way it was. between stories my mom told me and the little they taught in American history I understand that the world is a much better place.
Back then children were afraid to report molestation and if it was discovered a family member may beat his ass but then it was hushed up as something to be ashamed of. Women and children were property and no one said much if either were beaten. And god help you if you were gay or black and poor families were more likely to starve if they didn't have a farm.
Now we live in a world where all of these are concerns. They existed back then but no one cared. Now we do. Now something is done when you need help. I think it is a much kinder world. And maybe our kids will make it an even better one.