To my surprise, I did find love when I 'stopped' looking.
And, yes, it does depend on what you mean by 'stop looking'.
I definitely 'stopped looking' by my own definition/standards of what 'looking' is.
So, what happened?
I developed a crush, and, usually I pursue my crushes by trying to 'play the game' - follow all the dating rules and conventions and jumping through fire hoops to get to know them before asking them out.
This time I chose to spend more time around them, hang out with them, get to know them, etc. but I was ignoring my feelings for them, was more focused on just 'living' my life, and less concerned if they didn't feel the same.
I was, what I call 'enjoying the ride' - spending time around them, enjoying it, but not actually pursuing them in 'that way'.
I kept telling myself that I'm 'not looking for a relationship' right now...
Well, they still figured it out, even if I didn't express my feelings in any way (no flirting, etc.) and, turns out things were mutual, and I now have a girlfriend.
That's my story...I'm not sure if things could work out any better or worse if other people stopped looking for love, but geez...it ACTUALLY WORKED...
What happened is that you were looking for love with her, but with a more passive way by befriending her and building a bond with her - which in fact how most relationships happen in real life.
Your friendship with her was planned ahead and based on a hope for this purpose, and it worked this time.
So congrats, but your story is a fine example why MALES must never stop looking.
And I agree with others saying this is a typical female to female advice, hence why it is stupid to be said to males.