rdos wrote:
AR15000 wrote:
You're projecting. I personally have known and slept with women who do enjoy sex as much as men. But it does take more skill level on the part of a man to make sex enjoyable to the woman.
According to the study, many women faked enjoying it just to get over with it. Guess what that means for skills and alike? It means women just want them to finish ASAP so they can do something more fun.
AR15000 wrote:
Now women can fake an orgasm, but they
cannot fake squirting! Not all women are "squirters" but the last one I slept with back in 2014 certainly WAS.
Maybe they are squirting for some other reason than you think?
Lies, DAMNED LIES, and statistics.Believe what you want, but I have no trouble finding women who do like sex and I never had. In fact, I've even had a woman practically rape me because she was so turned on that she jumped on top of me and was unzipping my fly. Mind you that I totally LET her do it. Actions speak louder than words, brah.
And to make matters worse for your case, there was thread by an NT woman complaining that her ND husband wasn't interested in sexual intercourse and she of course was getting desperate due to sexual frustration.
So what other "reason" are they squirting for and what is your evidence that they didn't have an orgasm? You and your wife have low sex drives and you've decided to interpret your stats about neurodiverse women and apply them to all women even though ND *people* are a minority. Not sure what you're trying to prove here, but you fail to convince me. Carry on